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Love and romance are often considered individual and private experiences.How might we also understand love and romance as shaped by society or culture?Draw on at least one sociological theory in your response

Essay Questions:

  1. Love and romance are often considered individual and private experiences.
    How might we also understand love and romance as shaped by society or culture?
    Draw on at least one sociological theory in your response.
  2. Women continue to do more unpaid domestic labour in the home than men.
    How are household tasks typically divided and how do feminists explain this division of labour?
    Draw on at least one sociological theory in your response.
  3. What are ’transnational families’ and how does globalization shape how care is carried out in families?
    Draw on at least one sociological theory in your response.
    Steps for completing this assignment:

Students should also note that this assessment is aligned with learning outcomes 4, 5 and 6. In this assessment, students are expected to:

All assignments must be submitted online via the Turnitin link available on the vUWS site for this subject BEFORE the due date and time.

PLEASE NOTE: Hard copies and email assignments will not be accepted. At a minimum, students are expected to:

  1. Choose one of the essay questions/topics listed above. Make sure you know what it is asking!
  2. Start your research by referring to the set readings and additional resources listed in the program outline.
  3. Keep in mind though that it is not compulsory for students to utilize these resources.
    In fact, students are expected to undertake some amount of independent research.
    Thus, you may like to seek additional materials as follows:
  • Academic:
    Library books and journals can be accessed using the library databases.
  • Institutional: Organisational websites (e.g. The Australian Bureau of Statistics, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development etc.) may provide useful information.
    Keep in mind though that blogs, social networking sites, Wikipedia etc. are not considered to be academic sources.
    In many cases the information on these sites has not been subject to peer evaluation and/or the accuracy of the material presented therein cannot be verified.
    For this reason, internet sources in particular should be carefully evaluated.
  • Media: Various media, (e.g. magazines, websites, newspapers, television media, and films) can be used as empirical/real world examples.
    However, in a theoretical essay these should be used only sparingly to help illustrate your points in original, creative and reflective ways.
    As with academic and institutional sources these must be appropriately referenced.
  • As you take notes remember to identify someone else’s ideas or thoughts with accurate referencing so as to avoid plagiarism when it comes time to writing up.
  1. Everyone has a different approach to essay writing, but you need to ensure that you undertake some level of planning.
    Noting key points and the order in which you will address them will help you develop a logical argument.
    If you keep referring back to them as you write, your list of key points can also help you ensure that you are being consistent and not wavering from your argument.
  2. Begin writing your essay! As you do so, keep in mind that better essays are those that develop a strong line of argument, which is well structured and balances description and critical analysis. Good questions to ask yourself are:
  3. Does this point relate to the main ideas I want to get across or does it distract the reader?
  4. Does the point I am making answer the question?
    Does it relate to the point before and after it, and if so how?
  5. So what? What is the significance of this point?
    Why am I writing about it?
  6. How can I prove my point?
    What sources can I use to support my argument?
  7. Do I agree with the perspective presented in the source that I am discussing?
    Why/why not? How does the perspective of the author that I am discussing compare/contrast with some of the others?’
    What is unique/interesting about what this author has to say?
  8. Leave plenty of time to allow for editing your work. Ideally this should include running a spelling and grammar check, reading the essay in full and having somebody else read your work. It is amazing what a fresh pair of eyes can pick up!
  9. Make sure that you write the question you have answered and your name at the top of the first page of your assignment. Submit your assignment to Turnitin ONLY.
  • Analyse the family and intimate relationships in terms of power relations.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of sociological approaches to the family and intimate life.
  • Apply sociological theory to analyse families and intimate life.
  • Answer all components of the question and follow the academic protocols for essay writing.
  • Adhere to the guidelines in relation to resources.
  • Ensure that their essays are logically structured, coherent and free of spelling and grammatical errors.
  • Ensure that essays are correctly referenced and free from plagiarism.