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Leadership and Quality Improvement Project: Research Article Summary (individual)


Leadership and Quality Improvement Project:

Research Article Summary (individual)



(CSLO 2)


***Group Presentation Topic must be assigned before completing this paper.

Each student within the group will find one unique, peer-reviewed research article related to the group topic that will be used to contribute to the presentation. The article must be less than 5 years old and from a scholarly, peerreviewed source. If you submit the same article as one of your peers in the group, you may be required to resubmit the assignment.  Each group member will turn in their assigned article with a 250- 350-word, doublespaced summary of the article.  Summary must contain:

a.      Correctly formatted APA reference for the article.

b.      One paragraph summary that discusses the research problem, process, and results.

c.      One paragraph discussing how this article relates to the topic and how it will help complete the presentation.  

d.      Refer to rubric for all requirements including formatting.


Research Article Summary Rubric


Exceeds Expectations


Needs Improvement


Correctly formatted APA reference

The citation is in APA format with no errors 10 pts

The citation has 1 – 2 errors in formatting

7.5 pts

The citation has 3 or

more errors 5 pts

Citation is missing or not in APA.  0 pts

Summary of

        Research problem

        Description of research process

        Results of study

(CSLO 2)


      Content is indepth and wellorganized

      All 3 criteria are present and substantive

40 pts

      Content is acceptable and adequately organized

      All 3 criteria are present

30 pts

      Content is lacking  or minimally organized

      Not all criteria

meet minimum standards

15 pts

Content is lacking and not organized

0 pts

Discussion of

        How does the

article relate to the group topic?

        How will the article help me complete the presentation?

(CSLO 2)


      Discussion demonstrates indepth rationale of article’s relevance to topic and how it will contribute to the presentation

      Both criteria are discussed with a high level of critical thinking

40 pts

      Discussion demonstrates an acceptable rationale displaying article has some relevance to topic and how it will contribute to the presentation

      Both criteria are discussed 

30 pts

      Discussion demonstrates minimal expectations of article’s relevance to topic or how it will contribute to the presentation

      Not all criteria

meet minimum standards

15 pts

      Article has no relevance to topic

      Summary does not meet minimal expectations

      Lack of detail on article’s relevance to group topic or how the article will be used to complete the presentation. 0 pts

APA, Grammar, and


    Article is less than 5  years old

(unless it is a seminal work) and from an

The summary and analysis meet and adequately addresses all the criteria with no exceptions or errors.  There are no

The summary meets and adequately address all the criteria with 1 – 2 exceptions or errors. 

The summary meets and adequately address all the criteria with 3 – 4 exceptions or errors. 

The summary does not adequately address the criteria or has 5 or more errors. Length requirement is not met; Article not peer-

Galen College of Nursing – NUR 282 Course Syllabus – Version 3.3                                                                                           19


appropriate, peer-reviewed source. There are no spelling or grammar errors. At least 250 words and no more than 350 words. Font used is

Times New Roman 12 pt.  1-inch margins and doublespaced.

grammar or spelling errors.

Peer-reviewed article less than 5 years old. 

Meets length requirement. 10 pts

Peer-reviewed article less than 5 years old. 

Meets length requirement. 

7.5 pts

Article is not peerreviewed or is over 5 years old. 

Length requirement is not met. 5 pts

reviewed and/or is over 5 years old.  0 pts



Galen College of Nursing – NUR 282 Course Syllabus – Version 3.3                                                                                           20