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Jo Kelly is the owner of Sydney Ltd (hypothetical company) and has decided to document and analyse the accounts payable process so the transition to a

ICT100 Information Management Systems Assignment

Assessment Information and Rubric

Subject Code ICT100
Subject Name Information Management Systems
Assessment Number and Title Assessment 2 – Individual project
Assessment Type Individual
Length / Duration 1,000 words maximum, no ±10%.
Weighting % Report 20% + Presentation 10% = 30%
Total Marks 50
Submission Online Submission via TurnitIn for the written report
Due Date Report submission – End of Weeks 6   Presentation – End of Weeks 7
Format A written report in Microsoft Word format (No PDF file accepted).

Assessment Description and Instructions

The purpose of this assessment is to provide students with an understanding of the systems documentation procedures.

In business, accountants, managers are required to understand how businesses, or a particular business operates. Based on that in depth understanding an effective information system can be developed.

Students will be required to provide in individual report and presentation.

Late Penalties

Late penalties apply at the rate of 5% of the assessment mark per day late, to a period up to five days after the due date of the assessment.

Study Support

This assessment will be discussed during the class time.

It is required that students come to workshops prepared with work they have completed so that they can ask relevant questions to assist their group in completing this assignment accurately and on time.

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It is student’s responsibility to ensure that you demonstrate academic integrity. Take the time to find out more by visiting PIA’s Policies and Procedures site.

By submitting your assessments, you acknowledge that this is your own work

– that you have undertaken the assessments yourself and without any assistance from any other person or any website or other resources which are not specifically permitted. Also, you have not shared any aspect of your assessments or answers with other students or provided assistance to them in any way.

ICT100 Assessment 2 Marking Rubric – Individual report and presentation (30% of the total mark)

Marking Criteria HD (High Distinction) 85-100% D (Distinction) 75-84% C (Credit) 65-74% P (Pass) 50-64% F (Fail) 0-49%
Criteria 1 Part A 10 Marks Demonstrated a sophisticated understanding and knowledge of differing forms of systems documentation processes. Demonstrated highly developed understanding and knowledge differing forms of systems documentation processes with very few errors. Demonstrated thorough understanding and knowledge differing forms of systems documentation processes few of errors in formulas and omissions. Demonstrated satisfactory knowledge of differing forms of systems documentation processes with some errors and omissions. Demonstrated no or little knowledge of differing forms of systems documentation processes incorrectly calculates most ratios.
Criteria 2 Part B 30 Marks Demonstrated a sophisticated understanding and prepared a context diagram and a Level 0 DFD to document for accounts payable processing. Demonstrated highly developed understanding and prepared a context diagram and a Level 0 DFD to document for accounts payable processing with very few errors. Demonstrated thorough understanding and prepared a context diagram and a Level 0 DFD to document for accounts payable processing with few of errors and omissions. Demonstrated satisfactory understanding and prepared a context diagram and a Level 0 DFD to document for accounts payable processing with some errors and omissions. Demonstrated no or little understanding and prepared incorrect context diagram and a Level 0 DFD to document for accounts payable processing.
Criteria 3 Part B 20 Marks A very clear, easy to hear and understand presentation that is highly engaging and convincing and includes appropriate engagement with the audience, expression for oral presentation / Timing enhances meaning, suitable pauses. The video keeps to the time limit of no more than 8 minutes. (Video mp4 on One A clear, easy to hear and understand presentation that is engaging and convincing and includes appropriate engagement with the audience, expression for oral presentation / Timing enhances meaning, suitable pauses. The video keeps to the time limit A clear, easy to hear and understand presentation that is generally engaging and convincing and includes appropriate engagement with the audience, expression for oral presentation / Timing enhances meaning, suitable pauses. The video keeps to the time limit A clear, easy to hear and understand presentation that is partly engaging and convincing and includes some engagement with the audience, expression for oral presentation / Timing enhances meaning, suitable pauses. The video An unclear, not easy to hear and understand presentation that is not engaging and convincing and includes does not engage the audience, expression for oral presentation / Timing enhances meaning, suitable
Drive). of no more than 8 minutes. (Video mp4 on One Drive). of no more than 8 minutes. (Video mp4 on One Drive). keeps to the time limit of no more than 8 minutes. (Video mp4 on One Drive). pauses. The video keeps to the time limit of no more than 8 minutes. (Video mp4 on One Drive)

There two parts in this assignment.

Part A: (10 marks)

“Any one of the systems documentation procedures can be used to adequately document a given system”? Based on this statement write a short reflective essay on differing forms of systems documentation processes which may provide alternative perspectives on the system of interest.

Part B: Context Diagram & Flowchart (30 marks)

Jo Kelly is the owner of Sydney Ltd (hypothetical company) and has decided to document and analyse the accounts payable process so the transition to a computerised system will be easier. She also hopes to improve any weaknesses he discovers in the system. In the following narrative, Jo explains what happens at Sydney Ltd:

Before Sydney Ltd pays a vendor invoice, the invoice must be matched against the purchase order used to request the goods and the receiving report that the receiving department prepares. Because all three of these documents enter the accounts payable department at different times, a separate alphabetical file is kept for each type of document. The purchase orders that are forwarded from purchasing are stored in a purchase order file. The receiving reports are stored in a receiving report file. When vendor invoices are received, the accounts payable clerk records the amount due in the accounts payable file and files the invoices in the vendor invoice file.

Sydney Ltd pays all accounts within 10 days to take advantage of early-payment (cash) discounts. When it is time to pay a bill, the accounts payable clerk retrieves the vendor invoice, attaches the purchase order and the receiving report, and forwards the matched documents to Jo Kelly. Jo reviews the documents to ensure they are complete, prepares a two-part check, forwards all the documents to Xiaofei, and records the check in the cash disbursements journal.

Xiaofei reviews the documents to ensure that they are valid payables and signs the checks. She forwards the check to the vendor and returns the documents and the check copy to the accounts payable clerk. The clerk files the documents alphabetically in a paid invoice file. At the end of every month, the accounts payable clerk uses the accounts payable ledger to prepare an accounts payable report that is forwarded to Xiaofei. After she is finished with the report, Xiaofei files it chronologically.


b. Prepare a document flowchart to document accounts payable processing at Sydney Ltd.

(15 marks)

Part C: Presentation (20 marks)

Provide a video presentation of Part B to Jo and Xiaofei.

Note: For Part B you must use either Microsoft Visio or any other authentic software for the above required documentation processes.