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In this Case Study, you will apply your theories of Local government (i.e. city or county) administration and leadership skills to a particular Local government public administration case (example). The first step is to

Case Study: State & Local Policy Leadership Assignment Instructions


Case studies are to demonstrate learning by identifying tools and resources available for leading local and state public agencies, evaluating leadership, synthesizing the statesman’s skills, articulating best practices, demonstrate problem solving, and applying ethical standards along with the Biblical worldview to state and local leadership. The case study allows the student to apply theories to current events and practical settings in the real world. The case study approach is helpful to provide in-depth analysis of a particular situation.


In this Case Study, you will apply your theories of Local government (i.e. city or county) administration and leadership skills to a particular Local government public administration case (example). The first step is to identify and define key course concepts.  What leadership theory from the course resources and what type of interpersonal skills are needed to effectively administer local agencies and interact with various levels of government? This would be a good place to incorporate the Biblical worldview.  Then, the case/example of Local leadership is presented providing enough information that the analysis and application of course concepts is clear to the audience. Be sure to demonstrate an understanding of leadership and government processes at this level. Next, apply the theories and skills to actual events, decisions, and characters in the case. Case Study scenarios must be taken from documented (published) contexts; no hypotheticals are allowed. Students can focus on one particular public organization or particular situation that Local public administrators face.

Explain the assignment in detail. Items to include are outlined as follows:

· Headings should be included and must conform to the content categories and required information mentioned above. Use sections and section titles. (For example, it would be beneficial to have the following sections, at a minimum: Introduction, Leadership Theory, Leadership Skills, Biblical Worldview, Case, Analysis (application of theory and skills), and Conclusion.)

· All ideas shared by the student must be supported with sound reason and citations from the required Learn materials, presentations, and additional research.

· A specific, well-documented case or example of Local government must be included.

· Integrate Biblical principles within the analysis of the paper not at the end of paper. For example, include an overarching Biblical principle and/or considerations such as bigger vs. smaller government or proactive vs reactive strategy.

· The paper should be a minimum of 5 pages of content in length (not counting the title page or references), double-spaced, 1-inch margins, and in APA format.

· Required Learn materials and presentations from the assigned module(s) must be cited.

· 5 additional scholarly sources must be used.  These may include journal articles, other textbooks, and current events for the example.  Wikipedia may not be used (though certainly the student is welcome to review its content), and informal blogs are not appropriate. Governing magazine, Council of State Governments magazine, and casebooks are helpful resources for your cases.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.