In this assignment, you will demonstrate effective written and oral communication in analyzing a social problem and the policies designed to address i
Part One: Critical Thinking Paper
In a five-page paper, apply critical thinking to a selected social issue Income Inequality
In this assignment, you will demonstrate effective written and oral communication in analyzing a social problem and the policies designed to address it. You should follow the critical thinking approach discussed in class and in the Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking.
Written Argument
Your paper should provide a well-evidenced critical argument following this outline: (see below for the specific headings and format for the paper)
• Define why your chosen issue is a ‘social problem’ by documenting the magnitude (number affected) and scope (who is affected) of the issue.
• Explain how the historical ideologies (chose only 2 from this list) described in Jimenez, Chapter 3 (available on Blackboard in the folder for this assignment):
– U.S. exceptionalism,
– Individualism,
– Independence,
– Protestant Work Ethic,
– self-reliance,
– upward mobility, and
– equal opportunity
influenced the extent to which America has treated your selected social issue as a social problem.
• Describe two current social policies designed to address it.
• If we are to fulfill social work’s social justice mission, what sort of social policy approach (i.e., laws, programs, budgetary allocations) is needed to address this social problem? In other words, what is your best policy recommendation to address your social problem.
Your paper should demonstrate your ability to distinguish, appraise, and integrate multiple sources of knowledge, including research-based knowledge, and practice wisdom, as you lay out your critical thinking argument.
Use the following headings to ensure you get full credit for headings and reference page
Headings for the critical thinking paper* (major headings centered, subheadings against the left margin.)
Introduction-the issue being addressed
Scope and magnitude of the problem
Two ideologies that caused the problem
Ideology 1 (the subheading should be the name of the ideology)
Ideology 2 (the subheading should be the name of the ideology)
Two existing programs to address the problem
Program 1 (the subheading should be the name of the program)
Program 2 (the subheading should be the name of the program)
How to address the problem
*See the syllabus for specific directions
Reference Page
This must be APA style, general guideline: the first line of the reference is against the left margin and second and subsequent lines are indented 5 spaces
This is the citation for the information on ideologies. Remember to use APA format for both in-text citations and the reference page.
Jimenez, Jillian (2014). Social Policy and Social Change: Toward the Creation of Social and Economic Justice, 2nd Edition. Los Angeles: Sage.