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In groups of two, you will debate a contemporary issue relating to the healthcare industry against an opposing group. In preparation for the debate, you will research the debate question from


In groups of two, you will debate a contemporary issue relating to the healthcare industry against an opposing group. In preparation for the debate, you will research the debate question from both perspectives: the affirmative and opposing teams—each student will research one argument from the affirmative and opposing perspective. Arguments must be underpinned by sound evidence. On the day, your debate perspective will be chosen by the tutor.

During the debate, you will be required to use the Policy debate structure that has been introduced during the module. Each student will present their arguments within a time frame and be prepared for cross-examination from the opposing team. Each student must contribute 5 minutes overall, and the tutor will chair the debate. 


Debate Structure

                            Debate segment Team                                            Time

                                Main argument Affirmative Team                        4 minutes max 

                                Main argument Opposing Team                           4 minutes max

                         Cross examination Affirmative Team                         2 minutes max

                          Cross examination Opposing Team                           2 minutes max

                                              Rebuttal  Affirmative Team                       2 minutes max

                                               Rebuttal Opposing Team                          2 minutes max

                               Final Statement Affirmative Team                         2 minutes max

                               Final Statement  Opposing Team                           2 minutes max



Debate Topics

Groups will choose one of the following questions to debate: 


1.     The same principles of person-centred care should apply to those in the criminal justice system.

2.     People should be able to register with a GP without a fixed address. 

3.     Cervical screening should take place every year. 


Assessment Criteria

You will be assessed on your capacity to develop a well-supported argument for or against the selected debate topic. In addition to presenting at least one wellresourced argument during the main argument, you will also be expected to participate in the cross-examination or rebuttal.

Your debate will be assessed against the following learning outcomes. 

LO1 – Analyse contemporary issues within the health and/or social care sector.

LO3 – Examine how contemporary issues impact local and/or national policy.

Please consult the rubric in table 1 to find out more about how your marks will be calculated. 

A Code of Conduct (CoC) violation can result in you losing marks for the assessed debate.

The CoC states that students must:

•        Behave in a respectful and courteous manner towards the chair and other participants

•        Avoid interrupting other participants; speak only when allocated to by number / the chair

•        Not engage in verbally / physically offensive behaviour (e.g. swearing, shouting, prejudiced / personal comments)  

•        Avoid reading from a pre-prepared statement; the lecturer may ask you to stop, reduce your marks, or terminate your attempt altogether 

•        Abide by any other rules present within ARU, London disciplinary regulations not listed above

While you may bring notes along to assist you, you must not read a prepared argument in place of presenting your own live. This assessment is designed to test your ability to participate in structured debates and present a sound researched argument, not whether you can read out loud.

You will be expected to support your argument using at least three reliable sources of evidence. These can be from government or institutional reports, websites, journals, or articles from credible news sources. 

References must be submitted to your lecturer prior to the debate assessment.  





Table 1

The work will be assessed in an integrative manner as indicated in the marking rubric, that is consistent with Anglia Ruskin University generic assessment criteria and marking standards

Criteria / Grade


Deficient or no evidence of knowledge, Absent or inadequate evidence of academic/ expressive/ professional skills



Limited evidence of knowledge.

Little evidence or use of scholarly conventions.

40-49%: Adequate knowledge, use of scholarly conventions inconsistent. Basic academic/ expressive/ professional skills.


Sound knowledge, use of scholarly conventions inconsistent. Satisfactory academic/ expressive/ professional skills.

60-69%: Good analysis- consistent use of scholarly conventions. Good Academic/


Professional skills


Excellent analysishigh level of intellectual rigour and consistency.  Excellent academic/ expressive/ professional skills


Outstanding analysisWork pushes the boundaries of the discipline. Outstanding

Academic/ Expressive/ professional skills and creativity


Exceptional analysis Work pushes the boundaries of the discipline. Exceptional

Academic/ Expressive/ professional skills and creativity

LO1: Knowledge and

Understanding  Elucidate


issues relating to the Healthcare



Deficient or no level of relevancy of key arguments to given topic.


justification of /

elaboration on key arguments.

Inadequate range & level of evidence used to support

cross examination

& rebuttals


Limited level of relevancy of key

arguments to given topic.

Limited justification of / elaboration on key arguments.

Limited range & level of evidence used to support

cross examination

& rebuttals

Adequate level of relevancy of key

arguments to given topic, Basic

justification of /

elaboration on key arguments.

Basic range & level of evidence used to support cross

examination & rebuttals

Sound level of relevancy of key

arguments to given topic.

Satisfactory justification of /

elaboration on key arguments.

Satisfactory range of mid-level

evidence used to support cross

examination & rebuttals

Good level of relevancy of key

arguments to given topic.

Good justification of

/ elaboration on key arguments.

Good range of midto-high-level

evidence used to support cross

examination & rebuttals

Excellent relevancy of key arguments to given topic.

Excellent justification of /

elaboration on key arguments.

Excellent range of high-level evidence used to support

cross examination & rebuttals

Outstanding relevancy of key

arguments to given topic.


justification of /

elaboration on key arguments.

Outstanding range of high-level evidence

used to support cross examination & rebuttals

Exceptional relevancy of key arguments to given topic.


justification of /

elaboration on key arguments.

Outstanding range of high-level evidence

used to support cross examination & rebuttals

40 Marks 










Intellectual, practical, affective and



Analyse and critique current themes and best practice in




Contributions wholly

inappropriate for

the context. Cross examination &

rebuttals deficient in terms of tone

and delivery.

Inadequate management of initiation & turntaking.

Little-to-no attempt to interact with other debaters.

Contributions are limited &

inappropriate. Cross examination &

rebuttals limited in terms of tone and delivery.  Limited management of initiation & turn-

taking. Prohibitively dominant in

discussion /

significant difficulty sustaining interaction

Contributions are adequate. Cross examination &

rebuttals basic in

terms of tone and delivery. Basic

management of initiation & turntaking.

May frequently dominate the

discussion or have

difficulty sustaining interaction.

Most contributions are mainly sound & effective. Cross

examination &

rebuttals adequate

in terms of tone and delivery.

Satisfactory management of initiation & turntaking. May

dominate the

discussion or have some difficulty sustaining interaction

Contributions are generally both appropriate &

effective. Cross examination &

rebuttals good in terms of tone & delivery.  Good

management of initiation & turntaking.

Occasionally dominates the discussion,

although shows

awareness &


strategies to rectify this.

Contributions are consistently both appropriate &

effective. Cross

examination and

rebuttals excellent in terms of tone &

delivery.  Excellent management of initiation & turntaking. Rarely

dominates the discussion /

demonstrates awareness &


strategies to rectify where appropriate

Contributions are universally

appropriate &

effective. Cross

examination and

rebuttals outstanding in terms of tone &

delivery.  Outstanding management of initiation & turn-

taking. Proportionality of contributions is outstanding

Contributions are universally

appropriate &

effective. Cross

examination and

rebuttals in terms of tone & delivery. 

Exceptional management of initiation & turntaking.

Proportionality of contributions is



40 Marks









Debate delivery/ Academic skills Presentation in terms of

structure, language and Harvard referencing. 


You can lose some or all marks for an assessed debate by committing a Code of Conduct

(CoC) violation. 


Use of formal, academic


appropriate to the debating arena / debate theme is

deficient. No use of

persuasive tone and academic

caution. Deficient use of rhetorical

structures such as definition,

metaphor /

analogy etc.

Deficient use of language to

develop logical arguments via

deployment of

linking words &

repetition of key terminology

Use of formal, academic language appropriate to the debating arena / debate theme is

limited. Limited use

of persuasive tone and academic

caution. Limited

use of rhetorical

structures such as definition,

metaphor /

analogy etc.

Limited use of language to

develop logical arguments via

deployment of

linking words &

repetition of key terminology

Use of formal, academic


appropriate to the debating arena / debate theme is adequate. Basic

use of persuasive

tone and academic caution. Adequate use of rhetorical

structures such as definition,

metaphor /

analogy etc. Basic

use of language to

develop logical arguments via

deployment of

linking words &

repetition of key terminology

Use of formal, academic language appropriate to the debating arena / debate theme is

sound. Satisfactory use of persuasive

tone, balanced with academic caution

where appropriate.

Sound use of rhetorical structures such as definition,

metaphor / analogy

etc. Satisfactory use of language to

develop logical arguments via

deployment of

linking words &

repetition of key terminology

Use of formal, academic language appropriate to the debating arena / debate theme is

good. Good use of

persuasive tone, balanced with

academic caution

where appropriate.

Good use of rhetorical structures

such as definition, metaphor /

analogy etc. Good

use of language to

develop logical arguments via

deployment of

linking words &

repetition of key terminology

Use of formal, academic language appropriate to the debating arena / debate theme is

excellent. Excellent use of persuasive

tone, balanced with academic caution

where appropriate.

Excellent use of rhetorical structures such as definition,

metaphor / analogy etc. Excellent use of

language to develop logical arguments via deployment of linking words &

repetition of key terminology

Use of formal, academic language appropriate to the debating arena / debate theme is outstanding.

Outstanding use of persuasive tone, balanced with

academic caution

where appropriate. Outstanding use of rhetorical structures such as definition,

metaphor / analogy

etc. Outstanding use of language to

develop logical arguments via

deployment of

linking words &

repetition of key terminology

Use of formal, academic language appropriate to the debating arena / debate theme is exceptional.

Exceptional use of persuasive tone, balanced with

academic caution

where appropriate.

Exceptional use of rhetorical structures such as definition,

metaphor / analogy

etc. Exceptional use of language to

develop logical arguments via

deployment of

linking words &

repetition of key terminology

20 Marks







