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ICT5250 Computer Networks and Security Assignment Help

ICT5250 Computer Networks and Security Assignment

Assessment Brief: ICT5250 Computer Networks and Security

Trimester-1 2023

Assessment Overview

Assessment Task   Type Weighting Due Length ULOs
Assessment 1:  Quiz
Quizzes assess students’ ability to understand theoretical materials. The quiz will be either multiple choice questions or short questions which are relevant to the lecture materials.
Individual Invigilated 10% Weeks 4, 8 15 minutes  

(equiv. 500 words)

Assessment 2: Laboratory Practicum Students will complete in class workshop assessments including on-line situation analyses and practical applications of skills. Individual Invigilated 20% Weeks 3, 5, 6, 7 (equiv. 2000 words) ULO1 ULO2 ULO4
Assessment 3: Network simulation Construct an efficient operating network for a small organisation within a simulation environment. Individual 40% Week 10 1000 words + Design (equiv. 2000 words) ULO2
Assessment 4: System vulnerabilities and mitigation

Each group will research, share, and report to on recent information security attacks covering different types of attacks. The report should detail the mode and impact, and outline potential mitigation strategies and technologies that could have prevented such attacks.  

Students should discuss IT security, risk threats and management to a selected organization and implement simple cryptography algorithms.

Group   30% Week 12 3000 words   ULO3 ULO4

equiv. – equivalent word count based on the Assessment Load Equivalence Guide.

Assessment 1: Quiz

Due date: Week 3, 4, 6, 8, 10
Group/individual: Individual-Invigilated
Word count / Time provided: 500
Weighting: 10% quizzes
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-1, ULO-2, ULO-4

Assessment Details:

This assessment also includes invigilated quiz that will assess your ability to understand theoretical materials and your knowledge of key content areas.  The quiz will be either multiple choice questionsor short questions which are relevant to the lectures of lecture materials.  For successful completion of the quiz, you are required to study the material provided (lecture slides, tutorials, and reading materials) and engage in the unit’s activities. The prescribed textbook is the main reference along with the recommended reading materials.

Marking information: The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted10%.

Assessment 2: Laboratory Practicum

Due date: week-3, 5, 6 7
Group/individual: Individual-Invigilated
Word count / Time provided: 2000
Weighting: 20%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-1, ULO-2, ULO-4

Assessment Details:

Practical exercises assess students’ ability to apply theoretical learning to practical, real-world situations on a weekly basis. The practical exercises will improve student’s ability to practice information security using Linux/Kali Linux platform such as phishing attack, encryption and steganography and other functions. 

Students will be required to complete the practical exercisesduring the workshop and therefore, attendance is required as part of this assessment. Students will not be assessed on work that not produced in workshop so that attendance is required as part of this assessment. Students are required to submit the work that they have completed during the workshop session only. The details of the lab work and requirements are provided on the online learning system.

Assessment 2 Marking Criteria and Rubric

Multi-labs will have questions and activities to be completed for a total of 100 marks then will be scaled to 20%.

Assessment 2 Marking Criteria and Rubric

Marking Criteria Not Satisfactory (0-49% of the criterion mark) Satisfactory (50-84% of the criterion mark) Excellent (85-100% of the criterion mark)
Lab Screenshots (40%) All Necessary Screenshots taken   very few screenshots, or screenshots taken without time, day and name shown Not all necessary screenshots have been taken Excellent submission, all necessary screenshots taken  
Apply Lab Reflections (60%)   Screenshots with reflections very few screenshots, without explanation or reflection, just click next Not all screenshots have been explained and reflected upon Excellent submission, all screenshots have been explained and reflected upon  

Assessment 3: Network simulation

Due date: Week 10
Group/individual: Individual
Word count / Time provided: 3000
Weighting: 40%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-2

Assessment Details:

This assessment is designed to assess students’ technical skills in planning and configuring a computer network. In addition, it develops student skills in planning and finding IT infrastructures solution that suit enterprise requirements.

ABC is a global IT company which mainly based in USA. Recently , the company has decided to move to the Australian market. ABC has decided to establish two main branches in two of the major Australian cities ( Sydney , Melbourne) .

Sydney branch will have up to 300 employees.

Melbourne branch will have up to 600 employees.

Each branch has it is own server. It is understood that employees should able to communicate and access data from different servers within the three sites.

You have been hired  as an IT Administrator at the IT department and you have been asked to analyse, design and configure the new network as it shows in Figure 1.

  • Use Network Address:  10.XX.0.0/20 For Melbourne
  • Use Network Address: 172.XX.0.0/20 For Sydney

Where XX is the last 2 digits of your student ID

[For example, if the student ID is 201701234  then use :]

You can use the Lectures notes or VLSM to subnet the networks

For the network diagram in Figure 1:

Task Specifications

Prepare a report to provide the details configuration for the network for ABC company. 

In this task you will fill the required information using the IP network diagram: (30 Marks)

Allocated Subnet address and Subnet Mask  
Network address   
Default Gateway address  
Valid host address range  
Broadcast address  
Allocated Subnet address and Subnet Mask  
Network address   
Default Gateway address  
Valid host address range  
Broadcast address  
Network between Sydney to ISP  
Allocated Subnet address and Subnet Mask  
Network address   
Valid host address range  
Broadcast address  
Network between Melbourne and ISP  
Allocated Subnet address and Subnet Mask  
Network address   
Valid host address range  
Broadcast address  

Place configuration of each device into a table similar to the one below.  (40 Marks )

(Copy and paste the device configuration, DO NOT use screenshot from Packet Tracer) 
S1: enable 
S1: configure terminal 
S1: . . . 
  • Connections verifications (ping) will scale to 5 marks.

Assessment submission

Your report must include a cover page that include the student’s name and student ID.

You must submit the design document as outlined above with a working Packet Tracer file


For successful completion of this assessment, you require to study the material provided (lecture slides, tutorials, and reading materials), engage in the unit’s activities, and in the discussion forums. The prescribed textbook is the main reference along with the recommended reading material. Students are expected to discuss their work with lecturer and to seek support.  In completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to develop networking skills including design, configuration and testing a computer network using simulator. This assessment help in achieving ULO-2.

Marking Criteria and Rubric:The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 40% of the total unit mark

Marking Criteria for Task-B Not satisfactory (0-49%) of the criterion mark) Satisfactory (50-64%) of the criterion mark Good (65-74%) of the criterion mark Very Good (75-84%) of the criterion mark Excellent (85-100%) of the criterion mark
Subnets Allocations, IP addresses, valid hosts, gateways subnet mask (30 marks) Lack of evidence of understanding of IP configuration for NET A, B and C including the interfaces for RA, RB and RC with many errors. Evidence of basic understanding of IP configuration for NET A, B and C. Good IP configuration for NET A, B and C including the interfaces for RA, RB and RC with some errors. very well IP configuration for NET A, B and C including the interfaces for RA, RB and RC. Excellent IP configuration for NET A, B and C including the interfaces for RA, RB and RC.
Routers Configurations (40 marks) Lack of evidence of understanding of Configure router RA interfaces with many errors. Evidence of basic understanding of Configure router RA interfaces Good Configure router RA interfaces with some errors. very well Configure router RA interfaces Excellent Configure router RA interfaces
Routing configuration (20 marks) Lack of evidence of understanding of routing configuration with no connections between hosts Basic understanding of routing configuration with errors in the routing configuration and no connection between hosts Well routing configuration with correct routing configuration and connection between the hosts Very week routing configuration with simple demonstration of configuration, and full network connection.  Excellent explanation and understudying of routing protocols and configuration with excellent demonstration of configuration, testing and full network connection.
Verifications (10 marks) Lack of evidence of understanding dynamic scaling using Cloud computing Evidence of basic understanding of dynamic scaling using Cloud computing not related to the organization requirements. Good understanding of dynamic scaling using Cloud computing related to the organization requirements. Very good understanding ofdynamic scaling using Cloud computing related to the organization requirements. Excellent understanding and demonstration of dynamic scaling using Cloud computing related to the organization requirements.

Assessment 4: System vulnerabilities and mitigation

Due date: Week 12
Group/individual: Group
Word count / Time provided: 3000
Weighting: 30%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO-3, ULO-4

Assessment Details:

Any IT graduate involved in network security will need to be able to adapt and respond to unfamiliar and changing security threats, technologies and systems. To be capable in their profession, graduates need to be able to discover and analyse these new technologies and security systems and to evaluate their effectiveness, practicality and impact.

Nowadays, computer software is a crucial part of the modern world. The software makes the world become smart than before. However, cyber threats using the computer software are becoming more and more of a threat in today’s smart world.Software vulnerability has been a hot topic in both academia and industry.

Choose one of the following topics:

  • Trojans and Backdoor
  • Viruses and Worms
  • Sniffers
  • Phishing
  • Denial of Service

For the topic you select, you will need to research one tool attacker’s use, and one security tool used to counter attackers. Your assignment involves examining both tools, evaluating and analysing their use in meansto evade or detect threats/detection. You have to answer the followings question related to the selected attacker tool and security tool:

  • Discuss how the threat actors can use the attack tool. Discuss the working mechanism.
  • Demonstrate how the security tool can be used to mitigate/prevent such threat actors.
  • The objective of computer security is to protect the Integrity,Confidentiality, and Availability (CIA) of information on the devices that store, manipulate, and transmit the information.Analysis the attack tool and security tool against CIA.
  • Demonstrate how the threat actors can bypass detection.
  • Discuss the impact of attacker threat on the individual and the society.

The importance of cryptography has increased over time tobecome a key defense in securing data from threat actors. Select any tools you are familiar with to implement one of the following cryptography algorithms:

  • Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
  • Diffie-Hellman key exchange

In your report, you have to provide detail for the install, run and demonstrate the use of cryptography algorithm, producing some output or results. You should analyse and evaluate the usage of the cryptography algorithm. You need to provide a complete beginning to end, tutorial like presentation of the experiment, including screen shots, this could look like a manual or a journal.

In completing this assessment successfully, you will be able to investigate IS security, risk threats and propose the suitable security controls, which will help in achieving ULO-3, and ULO-4.

Marking Information:The applied project will be marked out of 100and will be weighted30% of the total unit mark.

Marking Criteria Not satisfactory (0-49%) of the criterion mark) Satisfactory (50-64%) of the criterion mark Good (65-74%) of the criterion mark Very Good (75-84%) of the criterion mark Excellent (85-100%) of the criterion mark
Introduction (10 marks) Poor Introduction with irrelevant details Introduction is presented briefly with some relevance and missing elements.   Introduction is generally presented in good fashion, however missing one element.   Introduction is well written with clear discussion.   Introduction is very well written with very clear background, discussion.  
The use of the attack tool and working mechanism (10 mark) Poor discussionwith irrelevantinformation Brief discussionabout attack tool and working mechanism Generally good discussion about attack tool and working mechanism Very clear attack tool and working mechanism A very detailed and very clear attack tool and working mechanism
Security tool demonstration (10 mark) Poor discussionwith irrelevantinformation Brief discussion of security tool demonstration. Generally good discussion about security tool demonstration Very clear Security tool and demonstration A very detailed and very clear security tool demonstration.
Analysis the attack tool and security tool against CIA (20 mark) Poor analysis with irrelevant details. Brief discussion of the attack tool and security tool against CIA Generally good discussionof the attack tool and security tool against CIA Very clear discussionof the attack tool and security tool against CIA In-depth and very clear discussionof the attack tool and security tool against CIA
Threat actors bypass detection demonstration (10 mark) Lack of evidence of understanding of the bypass detection demonstration Very brief demonstration of bypass detection demonstration Evidence of good understanding and demonstration of bypass detection demonstration Very clear understanding and demonstration of bypass detection demonstration Excellent understanding and demonstration of bypass detection demonstration
Impact of attacker threat on the individual and the society (10 mark) Lack of evidence of understanding of the impact of attacker threat on the individual and the society Very brief demonstration of the impact of attacker threat on the individual and the society Evidence of good understanding and demonstration of the impact of attacker threat on the individual and the society Very clear understanding and demonstration of the impact of attacker threat on the individual and the society Excellent understanding and demonstration of the impact of attacker threat on the individual and the society
Cryptography implementation (25 marks) Lack of evidence of understanding of Cryptography algorithm with no result and poor documentation and screenshot. Very brief demonstration of the implementation of Cryptography algorithm with limited results, documentation and screenshot. Evidence of good demonstration of the implementation of Cryptography algorithm with limited results, documentation and screenshot. Very clear demonstration of the implementation of Cryptography algorithm with limited results, documentation and screenshot. Excellent demonstration of the implementation of Cryptography algorithm with limited results, documentation and screenshot.
Summary (5 marks) Summary not relating to the report Brief summary of the report with some relevance Generally good summary of the report clearly summarizing the overall contribution very clearly summarizing the overall contribution

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