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Humanities & Social Science Division - Criminal Justice Program CJUS 8400

College of Arts & Sciences

Humanities & Social Science Division - Criminal Justice Program

CJUS 8400

~ch Project Guidelines:

The paper should be 10 - 15 pages in length and include an APA (or others) title references page

Use APA guidelines for formatting and referencing - sec the instructor or your ( Handbook for additional details if you arc unclear on this.

Paper should be objective and support your research question. At least 7 scholar sources should be used in this paper (literature review).

Paper structure:

a. Introduction: Clearly discuss the topic of study and purpose/justification project; clear research question included

b. Literature Review: The literature review should contain at least 7 scholai sources. The purpose of the lit review is to explain past research results a pertain to the topic at hand. (5- 10 pages)

c. Methods: Identification of the variables, how data was collected, what i were used, and sampling method. Survey, questionnaire, informed cons should be included as an appendix. Data might also be collected from data sets, news reports, etc. Note: N = 20 (minimum!)

d. Analysis: In-depth analysis of the data collected and explain how it sup refutes the hypotheses/rcscarch question - use of tables and graphs to d data. At minimum, students should provide descriptive stats of sample, analysis (distribution, central tendency, dispersion), and inferential stats (correlation)

c. Conclusion: Summary of the study, detail any limitations, and the possib future research on this topic

No more than 20% of the paper should be direct quotes.

Use proper grammar, citations, structure - The use of the Writing Lab is sugges editing.