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Human sexuality varies from individual to individual and across cultures and time. The social acceptance or lack of acceptance also varies. In this assignment, you will use theory to examine a

Human Sexuality Video Presentation – Signature Assignment
Sexual Variation Yesterday and Today
Human sexuality varies from individual to individual and across cultures and time. The social acceptance or lack of acceptance also varies. In this assignment, you will use theory to examine a particular sexual variation in both a historic and contemporary context to better understand human sexuality.
The purpose of this assignment is to help you practice the following skills:
Use theory to frame and analyze a topic
Use sources to validate human sexuality ideas
Compare a historic to a contemporary viewpoint
Practice proper academic writing techniques and use of APA
Demonstrate the ability to write in a scientific voice (3rd person)
This assignment will help you become familiar with the following important content knowledge in human sexuality (will vary with topic selection):
Changes in social acceptance of sexual variation over time
Social science theories
Choose a sexual variation from the list below that interests you. Additional topics can be used with instructor approval:
Recreational Sex
Premarital Sex
Arranged Marriages vs. Love Marriages
Gender Roles
Interracial marriages
Inter-religion marriages
Choose a social science theory that seems to apply to your topic of interest (see list below, see BeachBoard for a description and source for each theory). Theories may not seem to apply to the topic yet when reviewing the theory, you may find a way to make it fit. For example, General Deterrence Theory is usually used to describe motivation for crime, but it could be applied to deviation from accepted social norms.
Psychological Theories
Drive Reduction Theory
Theory of Planned Behavior
Social Learning Theory
Sociological Theories
Social Exchange Theory
Rational Choice Theory
Conflict Theory
Gender (Feminism)
Race/Culture Conflict Theories
Anomie Theory/Strain Theory
General Deterrence Theory
Diffusion of Innovations Theory
Economic Theories
Game Theory
Communication Theories
Network Theory
Ethics Theories
Moral Foundations Theory
Gender Theories
Queer Theory
Use the following content outline to organize your assignment:
Introduction/Description of the Social Science Theory
Introduce the sexual variation and the theory and significance of issue
Briefly describe the social science theory
How does the theory apply to the sexual variation in general (not specific to time)?
Historical view of the Sexual Variation
Define the culture and time period (a single point in time)
Informal/cultural or social acceptance of the sexual variation
Choose one of the following:
Define at least one religion’s view of the sexual variation from the time frame selected
Present laws from that time period if there is evidence to show acceptance
How the theory chosen explains the acceptance or lack of acceptance of the sexual variation in the historical view
Contemporary U.S. View of the Sexual Variation (Last 5 years)
Informal/cultural or social acceptance of the sexual variation
Choose two of the following:
Define contemporary laws pertaining to the sexual variation (must be U.S.); laws may be implicit or not, legal or not, may look at local ordinances, state laws and/or federal laws
Define at least one religion’s view of the sexual variation
Media portrayal of the sexual variation
Technology’s influence on the acceptance level of the sexual variation
How the theory chosen explains the acceptance or lack of acceptance of the sexual variation in the contemporary view
How does the theory hold up comparatively in explaining the sexual variation in both the historic and contemporary view?
Predict how the sexual variation’s acceptance level may be changed in the next 5 years and next 100 years based on the theory chosen. First person is acceptable for this portion.
Reference List (instructors can establish referencing requirements)
Reference list in APA 7th edition
1st word in the in-text citation must match 1st word in reference list
Has a minimum of five scholarly sources
Date & author (an organization such as WHO of the CDC may be considered an author)
Course textbook may be considered as a scholarly resource
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias may be used as additional sources but do not count towards the five required sources
Wikipedia and Pro Con are not acceptable sources for the assignment. Personal blogs are not appropriate

Using the content outline above, research and prepare a 7-9 minute presentation using the Flipgrid platform. Instructors will set up a Flipgrid assignment page and link to it in the assignment. Complete and submit a reference page in APA style, documenting the sources used throughout the presentation.