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How does Marx and Engels characterize the history of society throughout every epoch? Provide some examples from previous epochs. What are the main classes in modern bourgeois society?

Reading Memo: Marx and Engels Manifesto of the Communist Party

Please read the excerpt from the Manifesto and answer ALL of the questions below.  All answers must be submitted as a word, pdf, notes, or jpeg document. No google docs allowed.  The reading memo is due by Wednesday June 14, 2023 11:59pm.

1.      How does Marx and Engels characterize the history of society throughout every epoch? Provide some examples from previous epochs.  What are the main classes in modern bourgeois society?

2.      Marx and Engels write that modern bourgeois society (e.g. Modern Industry and Capitalism) “sprouted from the ruins of feudal society” (p. 17). What were the main classes in feudal society (or Middle ages)?

3.     Under the feudal system of industry, how were things produced? What are closed guilds and guild masters? How did they produce things? (you may have to do some internet research to answer this question).

4.     What happened to the feudal mode of production or what led to the decline of that mode of production? Which class was responsible for their decline?  What did Modern Industry or capitalism establish? What made this possible? (p. 17) What replaced the feudal relations? (see page 19).

5.      The Bourgeoisie established or developed their productive forces over a long period, beginning in the Middle Ages.  What else did they establish?  What do you think Marx and Engels means by “The executive of the modern State is but a committee for managing the common affairs of the whole bourgeoisie” (p. 17).

6.     Marx and Engels write that the bourgeoisie are a revolutionary class.  What are three ways the bourgeoisie have revolutionized society or the ways they have changed it (pp. 17-18)?

7.     On page 17, they write “In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct brutal exploitation.”  What do you think they mean?

8.     Why is the bourgeoisie so global?  What type of new consumer did the bourgeoisie produce? What does it mean to be cosmopolitan? How do capitalists break down national barriers and what do they do once they have integrated different parts of the world like China?

9.     What are the stages of development of the proletariat?  At first, are they a cohesive group or class? Who or what do they attack? How do the proletariat begin to unite or begin to experience more similar situation? What do they do to form and solidify their common interests? What helps them forge a national class struggle? What hinders their organization efforts?

10.  Marx and Engels write that the bourgeoisie has conjured up forces that they cannot control and will eventually lead to their demise, that they create their own grave diggers.  What do they mean by this?

11.  What were the most interesting points in the reading and why. Or share a quote you thought was particularly interesting or moving and why you thought it was interesting. Is it relevant today?  Why or why not?