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HNN301 Mental Health and WellbeingTrimester 2 2023Assessment Task 1: Written Assignment2000 wordsPurpose of assessment taskNursing

HNN301 Mental Health and Wellbeing
Trimester 2 2023
Assessment Task 1: Written Assignment
2000 words
Purpose of assessment task
Nursing is a highly rewarding profession and there are multiple workplace factors that have a positive impact on registered nurses’ mental health and wellbeing. However, there are also workplace factors that can have a negative impact on nurses’ mental health and wellbeing. As per the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia’s Code of Conduct (2018), registered nurses are obligated to promote their own and their colleagues’ health and wellbeing to ensure safe and quality care.
In addition to developing self-awareness regarding your own mental health and wellbeing, and the workplace factors that can impact this; it is important that you have an understanding of contemporary factors that impact mental health and wellbeing amongst populations.
This assessment task provides you with an opportunity to examine and reflect upon burnout in the general population and in the nursing profession (ULO1).
This assessment task will assist you with AT2, since you will build upon what you have learnt about burnout in AT2.
Due date: Tuesday 15th August 2023
Time: 8.00pm AEST
Location: Assignment dropbox on HNN301 CloudDeakin unit site
Format: PDF*
*PDF conversion software is available here on Deakin Software Catalogue
• Please check the document before submitting to the dropbox to ensure the formatting has not changed.
• You are responsible for ensuring that the correct version of your assessment task is properly uploaded into the correct assessment dropbox.
Instructions for this assessment task:
Part 1. This part of the assessment task requires you to discuss burnout in the general population.
In this section you must discuss burnout including risk factors, signs and symptoms and the impacts of burnout on mental health and wellbeing.
• This section should be around 600 words. This section is not a reflection and therefore you are required to write this section in the third person. Additionally, you must support this section with evidence.
Part 2. This part of the assessment task requires you to discuss workplace burnout specific to nursing and midwifery.
In this section you must discuss workplace burnout including the workplace factors that increase the risk of burnout in nurses and midwives, signs and symptoms of workplace burnout in nurses and midwives and the impacts of workplace burnout on nurses’ and midwives.
• This section should be around 600 words. This section is not a reflection and therefore you are required to write this section in the third person. Additionally, you must support this section with evidence.
Part 3. This part of the assessment task requires you to reflect upon what you have learnt in Part 1 and 2.
You must reflect upon one (1) workplace factor that may increase your risk of workplace burnout. You may use the following questions to assist you with this element of your reflection. These questions are intended to be used as a guide only and you are not required to reflect upon each question.
• What is it about this workplace factor that may increase your risk of workplace burnout?
• How does this workplace factor impact you and your mental health and wellbeing?
• How might workplace burnout impact your nursing/midwifery practice?
• How would you notice workplace burnout in yourself?
• How would you manage workplace burnout if you experienced it?
This section should be around 400-500 words.
Important note: The workplace factor and strategy you reflect upon must have been discussed in Part 2. Since this section is a reflection, you must write in the first person. You need to include references in this section.
You need to include literature to support your discussion of the strategies to promote your mental health and wellbeing. References need to be no older than ten years unless they are seminal work. Government websites are appropriate in addition to the resources listed in your reading list.
However, references to’.com’ websites and/or Wikipedia are not appropriate for this assessment task.
Presentation requirements:
Title Page:
Include the following information on separate lines; Title of Paper (bold font), Student
Name/s, Student Number, University/Institution Name, Unit Code and Name, Facilitator Name, Due Date, Word count
Formatting of Title Page: Centred text alignment and double-line spacing.
12-point type size Times New Roman.
Ensure the same font is used consistently throughout the entire paper.
Double-line spacing (Do not insert extra lines between paragraphs or the references list entries.)
Page numbers
Page numbers to be provided on all pages. Place page number in the top right hand corner
2.54 cm at the top, bottom, left-hand, and right-hand sides of the page (default page margin).
Paragraph indents
Indent the first line of each paragraph 1.27 cm (using the tab key or paragraph tool).
Exceptions: abstract, block quotations, title page (centred alignment), titles and headings, table titles and notes, references (hanging indent), appendix labels and titles (Consult with APA 7 style manual for specific detail).
Justification of text
All text needs to be aligned to the left, not justified (right margin remains uneven)
Word Count
Assignments must be no more than 10% above or below the indicated word count, not including title page, in-text citations and reference list.
Do not use headings for this assessment task.
Introduction and conclusion
You must include an introduction and conclusion. Each should be around 200 words. Referencing Style APA 7.
Criterion mode: Points High Distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Starting % 80 Starting % 70 Starting % 60 Starting % 50 Starting % 0
Criterion 1
Discusses burnout in the general population.
Response comprehensively discusses key aspects of burnout in the general population, including risk factors, signs and symptoms and impacts. Response also includes contextual information. There is clear and strong integration of concepts and synthesis of information.
Response clearly discusses key aspects of burnout in the general population, including risk factors, signs and symptoms and impacts. Concepts are explained in depth with some integration of key concepts.
Responses describes key aspects of burnout in the general population, including risk factors, signs and symptoms and impacts. Discussion is mainly detailed and there is beginning integration of concepts. However, the response is largely descriptive.
Response provides an overview of some key aspects regarding burnout in the general population,
including risk factors, signs and symptoms and impacts. The response is largely an outline or a brief description and lacks detail and depth.
Response does not demonstrate an understanding of in the general population.
Response may be
lacking in substantial detail, is irrelevant to the assignment topic
or there are significant inaccuracies included.
Points 30
Criterion 2
Discusses workplace burnout specific to nursing or midwifery.
Response comprehensively discusses key aspects of workplace burnout including workplace factors, the signs and symptoms and impacts relevant to nursing/midwifery. Response also includes contextual information. There is clear and strong integration of concepts and synthesis of information.
Response clearly discusses key aspects of workplace burnout, including workplace factors, the signs and symptoms and impacts relevant to nursing/midwifery. Concepts are explained in depth with some integration of key concepts.
Responses describes key aspects of workplace burnout, including workplace factors, the signs and symptoms and impacts relevant to nursing/midwifery. Discussion is mainly detailed and there is beginning integration of concepts. However, the response is largely descriptive.
Response provides an overview of some key aspects regarding workplace burnout including workplace factors, the signs and symptoms and impacts relevant to nursing/midwifery. The response is largely an outline or a brief description and lacks detail and depth.
Response does not demonstrate an understanding of workplace burnout specific to nursing or midwifery.
Response may be
lacking in substantial detail, is irrelevant to the assignment topic
or there are significant inaccuracies included.
Points 30
Criterion 3
Reflects upon one workplace factor that can increase the risk of workplace burnout in self.
Evidence of deep reflection on one workplace factor. Reflection is thorough, comprehensive, detailed and individual to the author. There is thorough integration of concepts and synthesis of information.
The workplace factor was discussed in Part 1.
Evidence of reflection on one workplace factor. Reflection is thorough and individual to the author. There is integration of concepts.
The workplace factor was discussed in Part 1.
Evidence of reflection on one workplace factor. Reflection is mainly detailed and mostly individual to the author. There are sections where the reflection reads more like a description and integration of concepts can be developed.
The workplace factor was discussed in Part 1.
Evidence of some reflection on one workplace factor.
Reflection is an overview and points are mainly outlined. Reflection is somewhat individual to the author, but author but vague. More detail and depth are required.
The workplace factor was discussed in Part 1.
Response does not demonstrate a reflection that meets the standard of this criterion.
Reflection may be lacking in substantial detail, is irrelevant to the reflection topic or the entire response is not written as a reflection.
The workplace factor was not discussed in Part 1.
Points 20
Criterion 4
Relevant literature selected and skilfully used to support discussion. There is evidence of thorough research through the selection of quality literature. Literature has
been utilised skilfully to develop a coherent reflection.
Literature thoroughly supports the reflection and there is effective integration between ideas and literature.
There is evidence of wide research through the selection of mostly quality literature. Literature has been utilised skilfully to support the claims made.
Literature mostly supports the reflection and there is an attempt to integrate ideas and literature.
There is evidence of sufficient research through the selection of mostly quality literature.
Literature mainly supports the claims made.
Literature mainly supports the reflection.
The quality of the literature selected is mostly adequate. Literature has been utilised to support the claims made some of the time.
Literature somewhat supports the reflection.
The quality of the literature is inadequate which has resulted in an unsatisfactory reflection and explanation of the concepts. There is insufficient evidence to support the claims made.
Criterion 5
Formatting and
Referencing style is accurate and consistent with APA 7 style. Consistently demonstrates exceptional proficiency in referencing information appropriately, with all in-text citations and reference list entries following APA 7th style with high accuracy and consistency.
APA 7th referencing style is mostly accurate and follows APA guidelines with few errors or inconsistencies in formatting. APA 7th style not used to support discussion in text or reference list. Multiple errors or inconsistencies in formatting.
Points/Percentage 5
Criterion 6
Writing is in accordance with standard language conventions. Consistently demonstrates exceptional proficiency in written language conventions, including grammar, punctuation, and spelling, with very few errors.
Writing is highly cohesive and logically organised. Demonstrates basic proficiency in written language conventions, with some errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling that may occasionally impede understanding. Writing may lack coherence and organisation at times. Frequent errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling impede the clarity and coherence of the writing. Writing is poorly
Points 5 organised, difficult to follow and is confusing.