God’s Dream for the World Paper Description: After reading Desmond Tutu’s God Has A Dream book, write a 4-page paper comprised of two roughly equal parts: In the fir
God’s Dream for the World Paper
Description: After reading Desmond Tutu’s God Has A Dream book, write a 4-page
paper comprised of two roughly equal parts:
In the first part of the paper, respond to this prompt: “According to
Desmond Tutu, the key, concrete features of a world shaped by God’s
dream are....” This section should include 4 well-developed features
drawn directly from Tutu’s book. This section also should include the
sources (biblical, theological, historical and others) that Tutu draws on in
articulating his version of what he believes God’s dream for the world to
In the second part of the paper, complete this prompt: “I believe the key,
concrete features of a world shaped by God’s dream will be....” As with
the first section, this section should include 4 well-developed features
from your own understanding of God’s dream. You should include the
sources (biblical, theological, historical and others) that you are drawing on to describe your version of what God’s dream for the world is.