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Strategic Management Assignment

2022/23Semester 2

MODULE TITLE:     Strategic Management
TITLE OF ASSESSMENT:  Assessment 2 First Sit & Resit Coursework
LEVEL:                               H7
COURSE(S):         Graduate MBA
SUBMISSION LOCATION:  On the MyBeckett module page using the Turnitin icon
ASSESSOR(S):  Garry Carr, Francis Patton, Dr Hezam Heswani, Dr Razaq Raj, Dr Michael Cassop-Thompson, Local Teaching Team in Nepal

Coursework Brief:

Following on from your work for assessment 1 you must now use your macro-environmental analysis to complete a Strategic management report which has the following subsections.


  1. Industry Analysis

Conduct an Industry analysis of your organisation. Based on this analysis, identify the key strategic issues that your organisation is facing. A template for your Industry analysis is available which students must use.(Approx.  700 words)

  • Internal Analysis

Conduct a resource-based analysis of your organisation using relevant concepts and frameworks. Drawing on this analysis, provide appropriate recommendations on how your organisations resources and its strategy should be developed. A template for your Resource Based Analysis which students must use. (Approx. 1200 words)

  • Business Models

Critically analyse your selected organisation’s business model. A template for the Business Model Canvas is provided although students are free to use other appropriate models to evaluate the Business Moddel. (Approx. 750 words).

  • Sustainable Value

All students must consider and apply Hart, S.L. and Milstein, M.B., (2003) Sustainable Value Framework to their organisation. All students must do this as part of their assignment using the resources provided. (Approx. 750 words)

  • Strategic options.

Recommendation of some strategic options for the organisation to maintain or enhance competitiveness in the future. These must be related to the potential impacts of macro / competitive forces as identified in component 1 and Section 1. Please also note you should make recommendations within the context of the organisation. Some evaluation of risk and ethical issues is also important here.(Approx.1300 Words)

Please note that in doing your assignment you may want to consider other core issues such as Culture, CSR, Organisational Structure, and any other issues you think are relevant to the analysis

This needs to be written in the form of a business report. The limit of 4800 words excludes appendices which should not be excessive in length and should not include material that would be more properly included in the body of the report.

Consider all the relevant models, tools and concepts which have been covered in this module: if you think they apply to your case study organisation, and tell you something useful about its strategy, then apply them, and tell us about what you have found out by doing so. One approach to including this material is to put such models and analysis tools in clearly numbered and labelled appendices – but this is not the only approach

An alternative approach is to integrate the application of such specific tools and models within the body of the report and don’t bother to include any appendices

The assessment tests strategic thinking skills and the ability to apply module concepts to understand situations facing your organisation, developing insights in the process and then using these insights to offer your own perspective on what your organisation should do and why. You are expected to draw explicitly on the models, concepts and theories to support your analysis conclusions and recommendations.

In order to conduct their research students must make use of Statista, Marketline, Mintel, Mergent, Fame, Corporate Websites and academic journals that are available via the University Library.

All students must demonstrate that they have engaged with the module materials. This should include the suggested readings and the recommended textbooks. Students must not base their research around Google Searches, and sources which are not considered to be authoritative. The tutorial activities will support your learning through examples and applications of the core models and frameworks. Guides to using the major research databases such as Statista have been provided in Tutorials 2 – 5. Students are encouraged to engage with the formative feedback available through Tutorials and through the ability to submit drafts to Turnitin.

Hart, S.L. and Milstein, M.B., 2003. Creating sustainable value. Academy of Management Perspectives17(2), pp.56-67.

Hart, S.L., 1997. Beyond greening: strategies for a sustainable world. Harvard business review75(1), pp.66-77.

Resit: The resit assessment is to make good your unsuccessful attempt using the feedback provided from your tutor.

Notes for Students:

Instructions for completion and submission of written assignment

  • This assessment is worth80% of the marks for the module
  • You must submit your assessment electronically on MyBeckett using the Turnitin icon.
  • The word count is 4800words. This must be strictly adhered to (+10% is acceptable but tutors will not mark anything above that)
  • Words included in the bibliography are not included in the word count;
  • You should only use Harvard referencing;
  • Any websites referred to must be properly referenced;
  • The text of your assessment must be displayed using a 12-point (or larger) Arial or Verdana font and with a line spacing of at least 1.5.
  • For 2022/23 the Business School will be running a pilot with regards to extensions. For students requiring 5-day extensions, you will not have to apply and instead will be permitted to submit up to 5 days after the deadline without penalty. This will be called the flexible submission period. Full details of this policy can be found here.


Date generic feedback will be available: Within four weeks of the assessment period, subject to the date set for the release of results
How generic feedback will be returned to you: Posted on the module on MyBeckett.
Date provisional marks will be available: Within four weeks of the assessment period, subject to the date set for the release of results
How provisional marks will be returned to you: Posted on the module on MyBeckett.
Date individual feedback will available Following the Module Board and the return of all scripts from the External Examiner
How individual feedback will be returned to you: Feedback arrangements will be determined by the Module Leader.

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