For the first assignment, you will write a detailed biopsychosocial assessment based on the case study you chose in Week 1. The more developed your in
Biopsychosocial assessments
In Week 1, you were introduced to four case studies. Choose one of the case studies to work with for all the assignments in this course if you have not done so already. Review Case Studies for SWK5013 [PDF] Download Case Studies for SWK5013 [PDF]if needed.
For the first assignment, you will write a detailed biopsychosocial assessment based on the case study you chose in Week 1. The more developed your initial biopsychosocial assessment is, the easier it will be to develop your Comprehensive Case Study for the final assignment.
As you complete the Biopsychosocial Assessment, use examples in your textbook and the DSM-5-TR as guides.