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Find an Academic Journal Article: ·Utilize library electronic resources to search for an academic journal article that measures crime, victimization, or a related criminal justice topic. ·Ensure the article is recent and

Find an Academic Journal Article:

·Utilize library electronic resources to search for an academic journal article that measures crime, victimization, or a related criminal justice topic.

·Ensure the article is recent and relevant to the course objectives.

2)Describe the Data Collection Methods:

·Provide a summary of the methods used by the researchers to collect data.

·Include details such as the study design, sampling techniques, data collection instruments, and data analysis methods.

3)Evaluate Advantages and Disadvantages:

·Identify the advantages of the measurement approach used in the article.

·Critically analyze the limitations or disadvantages of the chosen methods.

·Consider factors such as validity, reliability, generalizability, and ethical considerations.

4)Propose Improvements:

·Offer suggestions for improving the measurement of crime, victimization, or the related criminal justice topic based on the weaknesses identified.

·Discuss alternative data collection methods or modifications to the existing approach.

·Justify your recommendations with sound reasoning and evidence.

Submit the chosen academic journal article along with your assignment.

Ensure the article is properly cited according to the required citation style (ASA)

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