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FINA55142 Applied Financial Analysis Scenario Analysis #2—Caltron Ltd Your re

FINA55142 Applied Financial Analysis
Scenario Analysis #2—Caltron Ltd Your report should include the following in the appendices which must be appropriately referenced within the body of the report:
Vertical analysis of income statement
Vertical analysis of the balance sheet
Horizontal analysis of the income statement (comparing 2003 with 2002)
Trend analysis of the income statement using 2001 as the base to compare the rest of the years
Ratio analysis showing Caltron’s performance for all the industry average provided in the case. The ratio should be for years 2001, 2002 and 2003
Marks obtainable
This Scenario Analysis Case #2 assignment will be marked out of 10. It also constitutes 10% of your total marks in this course. The expected format of the report is as shown below.
Required format
Cover page
Ensure that you have a cover page with Case Name, Group #, Individual student names, Submission date Executive Summary
Prepare an executive summary for your report. Don’t forget that your executive summary has to summarize the issue, the alternatives and your recommendations. This should be stand alone on a new page. It should not be more than half a page for this small case.
Here you should briefly describe the purpose and scope of the report. (This is why your report was written and what the reader will find inside)
Issue Identification & Analysis
Here you should identify key issues of the case. For each issue make sure you identify how you would measure whether or not you have addressed the issue.
Issue 1: This is where you will discuss the most important issue
Issue 2: This is where you will discuss the second most important issue
Issue 3: This is where you will discuss the third most important issue
Current situation Analysis
Her you will be required to analyze the current situation of the company. You should do both qualitative and quantitative analyses
Identification of Alternatives: Alternatives that can be used to solve the issues identified above should be listed and analyzed one after the other as shown below. One alternative may address several issues identified above; all issues should be addresses in some manner.
Alternative #1
Quantify the effects of the alternative and perform qualitative analysis by identifying the pros and cons of this alternative.
Alternative #2
Quantify the effects of the alternative and perform qualitative analysis by identifying the pros and cons of this alternative
Alternative #3
Quantify the effects of the alternative and perform qualitative analysis by identifying the pros and cons of this alternative
Recommendation and Justification
Here you should make clear recommendation that are logical and flow directly from your analysis.
Provide Closure to the report by summarizing what the report has accomplished and reinforced your recommendations. (You cannot present any new information here)
Grading Rubric
Executive Summary (0.5 marks)
Introduction (0.5 marks)
Issue Identification & Analysis (2 marks)
Current situation Analysis (2.5 marks)
Alternatives (2 marks)
Recommendation and Justification (1 mark)
Conclusion (0.5 marks)
Required format, clarity, language used without grammatical and spelling mistakes (1 mark)
Academic Honesty
Write your assignment completely in your own words. Express your own ideas in the assignment, not others. Do not use ideas or content from a source without quoting and referencing it. See the Sheridan Policies for a complete description of consequences for not being academically honest.

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Scenario Analysis #2—Caltron Ltd
Your re appeared first on Scholars Hub Blog.

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