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Explore services available for children and their families through the Local Offer 3.2 Describe the support available from other professionals, agencies and services to support the Early Years SENCo 3.3 Explain thetransition

SENCO – Assignment 3

You must use the following template to structure your assignment.

Unit 1 Learning Outcome 3

Understand the role of the Early Years Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo)

Assessment Criteria

3.1 Explore services available for children and their families through the Local Offer

3.2 Describe the support available from other professionals, agencies and services to support the Early Years SENCo

3.3 Explain the role of the Early Years SENCo during transition

3.4 Explain how information sharing with others within and beyond the setting contributes to effective transition and supports achievement of agreed outcomes


You must list the books, articles, national and local policies and guidance, documents and websites you have used to support your written account. You can also refer to your learning from relevant modules and training sessions. This is not an academic reference list as you are not required to use a particular reference system. However, it is a list of sources that you have referred to in the text below or read to inform your account.

Books, articles, and documents you have used


Word count

There is no minimum or maximum word count for this written account. Most important is that you fully cover the relevant assessment criteria and the relevant assessment verb (e.g., explain, evaluate, describe, analyse etc.)


If you have not fully covered any of the assessment criteria related to this written account, you will be asked to provide additional evidence which will most likely mean you will need to add more words to the initial written account. If you are required to do a resubmission, please ensure that you that make any additions in bold, alternative colour or add a date to identify any amendments or actions in the document as the assessor would only need to re-assess the additions and not the whole piece again. 

You must use the following template to structure your assignment.

Write in full sentences not in note form or bullet points.

3.1 Explore services available for children and their families through the Local Offer

Explore means to investigate, study, or look into to find out more about it.

Instructions, in the box below:

You must write in full sentences, not in note form or bullet points.

Research your local offer and include an overview of what it is and its purpose including a link to the webpage in your answer.

You must include detailed descriptions of examples of the services available to support children and families in your local area.



3.2 Describe the support available from other professionals, agencies and services to support the Early Years SENCo

Describe means write about the subject giving detailed information in a logical way.


You must write in full sentences, not in note form, lists or bullet points.

You must describe in detail, using examples, the support available to you as the SENDCo, that is available in your local area from other professionals, agencies and support services to assist you in your role as SENDCo supporting children and families.

You must have examples for professionals, agencies and support services. This could include any of the following:

Sensory support services,

Specialist teachers

Speech and language therapist

Occupational therapist


Independent Advice and Support Services

Local voluntary agencies who provide support to families

Social Care services

Area SENDCo or equivalent


3.3 Explain the role of the Early Years SENCo during transition

Explain means provide detailed information about the subject with reasons showing how or why. Responses could include examples to support these reasons.


You must write in full sentences, not in note form or bullet points.

You must explain in detail, using examples, the role of the SENDCo during transition, both before, during and after the process.

You should refer to SEND Code of Practice 2015, chapter 5, and Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (2024).

You should include what the SENDCo does, how this is done, by what methods, and why each part of this process is important for effective transition.

You could include examples of:

How SEND can impact the transition process for children in Early years and what the SENCO’s role looks like in trying to mitigate some of these difficulties

Effective information sharing, giving an anonymous example

Effective preparation of the child by supporting key worker

Co-ordinating transition meetings

Partnership with parents.


3.4 Explain how information sharing with others within and beyond the setting contributes to effective transition and supports achievement of agreed outcomes.

Explain means provide detailed information about the subject with reasons showing how or why. Responses could include examples to support these reasons.


You must write in full sentences, not in note form or bullet points.

You must explain in detail, using examples, how information sharing with others within and beyond the setting contributes to an effective transition and supports agreed outcomes.

As a minimum, you must include what information is shared, by what methods (how), with whom and why, why this supports effective transition and achieving shared goals and how to involve children and their parents/carers in this process.