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EDU20006: Curriculum, Planning and Assessment for Primary: Practicum 2 Assignment 1: Portfoli

EDU20006: Curriculum, Planning and Assessment for Primary: Practicum 2

Assignment 1: Portfolio

Word limit: 5400–6750 (200–250 words per focus area—27 focus areas in total) (+/- 10%)

Weighting: Pass/Fail

Due date: 5pm AEST Monday 29 May 2023 (Week 11)

This unit closely follows the guidelines for the accreditation of initial teacher education programs in Australia provided by AITSL. This assignment, therefore, complies with processes requiring pre-service teachers to have successfully completed a professional placement.

Through this assignment you will create a Professional Experience Portfolio which demonstrates how you are working towards meeting each of the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (Graduate)Links to an external site. (AITSL, 2017) by specifically addressing the following 27 focus areas: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.4, 6.1, 6.3, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3.

Related learning outcomes

This assignment addresses your ability to demonstrate that you meet the following unit learning outcomes and competency of the following Australian Teacher Professional Standards:

  1. Plan, implement and evaluate learning experiences. [APST 1, 2, & 3].
  2. Modify learning environments to ensure safety and facilitate learning. [APST 1 & 4].
  3. Demonstrate professional relationships with education professionals, students and families. [APST 7 & 6].
  4. Identify and implement relevant teaching and assessment strategies. [APST 5 & 2].
  5. Critically reflect upon teaching and learning experiences. [APST 6 & 7].
  6. Navigate relevant National and State/Territory curriculum documents and identify appropriate resources to support teaching and learning. [APST 1 & 7].
  7. Effectively integrate, into education programs, elements of the cultural identity and linguistic background of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.

Through the creation of your portfolio this assignment requires to:

  • clearly demonstrate achievements of the content of the selected Australian Professional Standards for Teachers: Graduate stage
  • show a reflection of classroom teaching practice, explicitly including the following elements: planning, teaching, assessing, reflecting and demonstrating learning across a sequence of lessons.

The following table lists the 27 focus areas you need to address in your portfolio.

27 focus areas from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
Standard Focus areas 
Standard 1: Know the students and how they learn 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
Standard 2: Know the content and how to teach it 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
Standard 3: Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5*
Standard 4: Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
Standard 5: Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning 5.1, 5.2, 5.4
Standard 6: Engage in professional learning 6.1*, 6.3
Standard 7: Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community 7.1, 7.2, 7.3

27 focus areas from the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers (2022) created by Swinburne Online

3.5*: You will address this focus area by completing a Virtual Classroom Simulation of an introduction to a lesson in a virtual primary classroom setting to a group of 10-year-old avatar children. Though your placement is F–2, yourlearning from the simulation will help prepare you for the real-world primary classroom.

Important: You will complete your simulation during Weeks 3–5 or during Consolidation Week–Week 7. Keep an eye on your UC’s announcements in Week 2 for more information about this task, how to book a simulation session and how to submit your simulation recording. As part of your portfolio you will submit your reflection on your simulation experience and how it relates to your understanding and insights for real-world primary classroom teaching situations.

6.1*: You will address this focus area during Week 4 in 4.6 Activity 2: Portfolio preparation, reflection and goal setting. We recommend participating in the activity, as it will contribute directly to this portfolio.

Note: To view the full focus area titles and descriptors, please refer to the Australian Professional Standards for TeachersLinks to an external site. (Graduate) (AITSL, 2017) web page. It is imperative that you include the titles and descriptors in your portfolio to ensure that you address all aspects of the focus area descriptors in your reflective statements.

Components of your portfolio

For each individual focus area (27 in total), you are required to provide the following three components:

  1. Evidence.
  2. Annotation.
  3. Reflective statement.

Details of each component are outlined under the following headings.

1. Evidence

You are required to carefully select evidence that you believe best demonstrates your knowledge, understanding and/or the skills specified in each focus area. You must draw upon this current EDU20006 Professional Experience for evidence.

Evidence may include, but is not limited to:

  • observations you have made while on placement
  • planning you have undertaken for placement
  • teaching and learning resources you have created or collected
  • images of practice (with permission and following confidentiality/ethics codes)
  • reflections and self-assessment from placement
  • actions you have taken regarding mentor feedback.

Please note: Some evidence may overlap across different focus areas. However, each focus area MUST still have its own individual reflective statement.

Evidence that must be included:

  • Focus area 3.2 requires you to demonstrate your continued development in sequencing lessons. For this focus area a sequence of lesson plans (three or more sequential learning experiences) must be included as an appendix item in your portfolio. You need to use the Swinburne Online learning plan template (DOCX 1.12 MB) Download Swinburne Online learning plan template (DOCX 1.12 MB)in its entirety, including the completed mentor and pre-service teacher (PST) comment sections. Your plans must be commented on, signed and dated by your mentor teacher. This is the only evidence that can be included as an appendix item.

Note: You may find it useful to view the Annotated Swinburne Online learning plan (DOCX 51 KB) for guidance on how to complete your lesson plan.

  • Focus area 3.5 requires you to include your lesson plan and reflection on your experience in the virtual reality classroom as part of your evidence.
  • Focus area 6.1 requires you to include a SMART goal plan as evidence.

2. Annotation

You are required to include a short annotation that explains what each item of evidence is and provides context for the reflective statement. Make sure these are clearly labelled and identified. This should be no more than one-two sentence per focus area.

3. Reflection

You are required to include an individual reflective statement for each focus area (27 in total) that moves beyond description and explains how you met the focus area through your evidence. Within each reflective statement, clear connections need to be made between the evidence and the focus area that explain the importance and value of the evidence you have included. To demonstrate a breadth and depth of research, appropriate and relevant references are to be used in all reflective statements.

Refer to unit readings and additional unit resources for appropriate sources. Current literature resources include peer-reviewed academic journal articles and scholarly books. A minimum of 15 different academic references must be used (excluding government websites/web pages). These references should demonstrate links between theory and practice and should include and go beyond the prescribed text/readings of the unit. Where relevant, the literature should draw on the reference lists from other education units in your course.

Your reflection statements should be approximately one paragraph (200–250 words) in length.

Additional assessment details

In addition to the three components, ensure you abide by the following when completing your assignment:

  • Your reference list using APA 7th edition must be included at the end of your assignment and will not be included in the word limit.
  • You must use the first person when referring to your personal views and the third person when referring to the literature.
  • It is important that you follow the Victorian Code of Conduct and Ethics Links to an external site. (VIT, 2021), or the code of conduct for teachers in the state or territory you reside in at all times and maintain students’ privacy. It is, therefore, essential that a student’s name, address, phone number, date of birth or any other personal information is de-identified throughout all components of your professional experience portfolio. You must include a disclaimer at the start of your portfolio that states, ‘I have taken appropriate measures to protect children’s anonymity and used pseudonyms instead’.

Throughout your teaching journey, you will be required to use your relevant National and/or State or Territory Curriculum. To help you build capability in this area and to help further prepare you for placements, here at Swinburne Online, we allow you to choose whether you would like to use the relevant National and/or State or Territory Curriculum in your Assignments. For further information specific to your assignments for this specific unit, please seek advice from your eLAs and/or your Unit Coordinator.

Completing your portfolio

Complete your assignment to ensure you include all components of your portfolio in your submission. This includes your sequence of plans for focus area 3.2, your Virtual Classroom Simulation lesson plan and reflection for focus area 3.5, your SMART Goal for focus area 6.1 and your reference list.

Important note: Use the EDU20006 Focus area checklist (DOCX 1.12 MB) Download EDU20006 Focus area checklist (DOCX 1.12 MB)that lists the 27 areas you need to include in the portfolio. Please use this template as a checklist resource when collecting your evidence and writing your reflections to ensure that all focus areas are covered.

In conjunction with the EDU20006 Focus area template you can also refer to the EDU20006 Portfolio prompts (PDF 168 KB) Download EDU20006 Portfolio prompts (PDF 168 KB)resource that has suggestions for artefacts, prompts for reflection and examples of practice.
