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EBY014 Degree Tutor Group 2 Assignment

 Assignment BriefModuleDegree Tutor Group 2Module CodeEBY014ProgrammeBA (Hons) Business and Management with Foundation YearAcademic Year2024/2025Issue Date6th May 2024

SemesterComponentMagnitudeWeightingDeadlineLearning outcomes assessed212000 wordsCapstone Assessment 100%26th July, 20241/2/3/4

Module Curriculum Led Outcomes:

This module aims to:

ML 1: Foster knowledge and understanding of the conventions, ethical implications and professional requirements of students’ chosen degree subject.

ML 2: Identify and engage with literature on the relevant context and content related to students’ chosen degree subject.

ML 3: Enable students to develop confidence, intellectual curiosity and the ability to manage their learning within the context of their chosen degree subject.

ML 4: Promote peer-to-peer and staff-to-student relationships that reflect those needed for success in students’ chosen degree subject.

Learning Outcomes:

Students will, by the end of the module, have the opportunity to:

L1: Demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the introductory concepts of their chosen degree subject.

L2: Take responsibility for their own work, including ensuring involvement in sessions in a manner that upholds the relevant professional standards.

L3: Reflect on the development of their knowledge and skills in their chosen degree subject.

L4: Communicate clearly, effectively and with appropriate referencing.

Module Summary:

This module, delivered in whole or in part by subject-specific staff, will introduce students to the content and staff of their chosen degree subject. Students will explore the disciplinary conventions, core concepts and professional requirements of their degree. The themes under discussion will vary according to the degree the students are studying, but each degree group will enable students to gain familiarity with their chosen area of study and subject staff. In the tutor group, students will complete a capstone assessment designed and marked by staff in their subject area. This capstone assessment will draw on the skills developed and practices in the core modules EBY011 and EBY012. To assess the learning outcomes for this module, you are asked to complete the following:

Capstone Assessment (100%)

PART A (1000 words)

Objective: As you are appointed as an assistant manager in a small-scale website consultancy firm who offers services to clients from business, education, hospitality and health care sector. Produce a project plan to increase the clientele, increase the firm revenue and meet the organisational objectives successfully. Choose a UK based organisation for this assignment as your clientele.

Your report should include:

Explain, examine and critically evaluate the key stages of the project lifecycle from initiation, planning and execution and closure stage, the factors to be considered in project planning and the importance of research methods and strategies to project management.

Produce a detailed project management plan (PMP), work breakdown structure, project stages, and timeframe and completion stages. Justify the choices you made in the project management design and the research methods selected in the PMP.

You must also provide critical evaluation of the skills required for project management, good planning, organizing including leadership and communication skills. Use of project-planning tasks and tracking tools, e.g., Excel spreadsheets must also be evaluated that includes tools and techniques used to create activity plans, work breakdown structure (WBS) and Gantt charts for effective planning.

Critical analysis of the research methods used in the project management planning. This should include purpose of research in a project, research ethics and methods for information gathering, data collection.

Define qualitative and quantitative methods by selecting an appropriate strategy for the research, e.g., questionnaires, interviews, observation and using monitoring tools, including WBS and Gantt charts.

The summary should be concise and include the main points of your chosen project and research methodologies.

PART B (1000 words)

Objective: In your role of Human Resources Administrator, one of your goals is to address the issues of skills shortage and hard-to-fill vacancies in the chosen organisation. The organisation you choose must be part of the automobile industry. You have then been asked by your line manager to undertake a review of HR practices and processes in order to produce a roadmap for successfully strengthening the organisation’s talent management strategy. The review will evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of HRM to critically evaluate factors that will contribute to decisions taken; it is to be delivered as a presentation that gives a clear vision and roadmap to success. The priority objective is to improve recruitment and employee engagement and motivation, and to grow internal talent. You will be reviewing internal HRM practices and processes, with a focus on recruitment and selection, and external influences on HRM practices, in order to determine HR solutions for strengthening the organisation’s talent management strategy.

Your report should include:

A comparison of the different HRM areas and their contribution to organisational performanceAn examination of strategic HRM in relation to the changing effects on organisations and its business environmentCritical evaluation of the role of recruiting and retaining appropriate employees from the available labour markets. As part of the report, you will critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of HRM in terms of its contribution to business success.

Provide recommendation/reflection on your own learning.

Important Notes:

Both Part A and Part B will be submitted as a single report. The world count for both parts together will be 2000 i.e.,1000 words for each part.

Kindly carefully choose your organisations. For Part A you are required to choose a UK based organisation of any sector and for part B you will choose an organisation in the automobile industry.


Plagiarism is a form of cheating which involves presenting another person’s ideas or expressions without acknowledging the source. The penalties for this are severe. Extensive and repeated instances can result in your removal from the degree programme. It is therefore very important that you understand how to avoid being accused of plagiarism. Any work submitted for assessment must, unless collaborative work has been specifically permitted in the assignment guidelines, be your own work. Any material used, from whatever source, must be clearly acknowledged. Any words that are not your own should be shown as quotes and their author and publication details given. Where you paraphrase the words of another you should make this clear and give details of where you found this material. You should make use of the Harvard referencing guidelines and complete the online plagiarism tutorial to ensure that you are providing such details correctly. Doing so will gain you marks for showing evidence of research and ability to reference. Not doing so could lead to accusations of plagiarism. You can also use Turnitin in advance of the deadline to enable you to check for elements of plagiarism in your work and then correct these.

As is a form of dishonesty which is viewed by the University as a serious offence. The University’s Regulations contain provisions by which the Examination Board may penalise students who are found to have presented plagiarised work for assessment. The purpose of this statement is to explain what plagiarism is. Further information about the procedures which are followed where allegations of plagiarism are made, together with the penalties that may be imposed, can be found in the above Regulations.

Plagiarism consists of presenting someone else’s work as your own. Some examples of plagiarism are:

reproducing or paraphrasing published material without acknowledgement of the sourcecopying from the work of another studentundeclared collusion with another student

getting someone else to do your work for you

This is not an exhaustive list. There are clearly degrees of plagiarism, particularly where published work is concerned. At one extreme there may be a very short section of a coursework which is copied without being properly referenced; at the other extreme a coursework may consist almost entirely of copied work.

Students who are found to have colluded in making their work available to be copied by others will not themselves be deemed to have committed plagiarism but will be dealt with under the student disciplinary procedures described in the Students’ Handbook of Regulations. Similarly, disciplinary action will be taken against any student who is found to have undertaken a coursework on behalf of another.

Late Submissions, Extensions and Resits

Submissions made after the deadline should be made using the same submission mode as stated in this assignment brief. These include late submissions, extensions, ILPs (Individual Learning Plans) and RAPs (Reasonable Adjustment Plans).

If your work is a resit or submitted late, the mark will be capped for undergraduate work at 40%.

Marking Criteria:

 First 70%+Upper Second 60- 69%Lower Second   50-59%Third (pass) 40- 49%Fail 0-39%Knowledge and understanding: demonstr ating what you know about your chosen topic.Very strong knowledge of the chosen topic, with a clear understanding evident.Strong knowledge of the chosen topic although understanding may not be consistent with some occasional inaccuracies.Sound knowledge of the chosen topic, although there might be notable gaps, omissions or inaccuracies in understanding.Limited subject knowledge, with many gaps, omissions or inaccuracies in understanding.No evidence of knowledge of the chosen topic, with little understanding evident.Communication:   Presentation, structure, and clarity of expression.Very well-structured work, with ideas expressed clearly and concisely. Meets the requirements for presentation of work.Some structure to the work, with a good attempt at presentation, although there may be issues such as a lack of clarity in meaning.Attempt at structuring the work although the meaning may at times be unclear. A sound attempt to meet the presentation requirements.Limited structure, and lack of clarity in expression and meaning, with an attempt made to meet the presentation requirements.No structure evidence with issues with presentation and consistent issues communicating meaning.

Research and use of evidence:   finding and using evidence to support an argument.Highly analytical approach including critical engagement with a wide selection of relevant and reliable evidence to offer a clear central line of argument.Analytical in approach with insightful evaluation of a range of relevant and appropriate evidence sustaining a mostly clear line of argument throughout.Some                       analysis evident although at times there is too much description. The range of sources may be somewhat limited, not all appropriate or not all relevant. The main ideas are explained but not critically examined.Sparse or inappropriate sources used, with limited or simplistic analysis, with a tendency to be descriptive.Few or no sources used including perhaps mostly inappropriate sources. No analysis included with mostly description and a lack of understanding.Referencing:   in-text referencing and reference list.Strong and engaging form of digital presentation in which ideas are expressed in an accessible and appropriate manner, with evidence referenced in-text and in the reference list.Ideas are expressed in an engaging digital form with a good attempt at in-text referencing and a reference list.Ideas are expressed in an engaging manner in digital form, but the style may be either overly formal or too informal with an attempt at in-text referencing and a reference list.Ideas are expressed clearly in digital form but without clarity, with a poor or no attempt at intext referencing and reference list.Ideas are at times inaccurately expressed and in a manner that may be inappropriate, with few or no in-text references or reference list.

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