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Discuss the choices you made and identify the four biases associated with this case (cite your simulation reports, outside references and your textbook). Some questions to consider:

Simulation PaperAssignment

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Create a three to five-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) in which you address the questions (below). Use headings to indicate your responses to each question. Using first person point of view is acceptable for this paper. Double space. Cite your text, outside references, and the simulation. Provide examples that support your ideas.

1. Discuss the choices you made and identify the four biases associated with this case (cite your simulation reports, outside references and your textbook). Some questions to consider:

a. Why did you make those choices? Which kinds of information did you use to make these choices? Which decisions seem challenging? Why? Was there any additional information you would like to have before making a choice? Why or why not? If you have identified something, describe the information source and why you believe it would help. How did the biases affect judgement and decision making?

b. Have you encountered any of the four biases in your life, and what strategies could you employ to ensure that you do not fall into these biases in your professional/personal decision making?

2. Consider the media’s reaction to this crisis. How should the CEO address safety concerns related to these products? Use 2-3 paragraphs to provide recommendations.

3. Conduct an Internet search on product safety crises. Identify a company who experienced a similar crisis (cite your references). Describe it. Did the company handle the situation well? Why or why not?

See the rubric for grading criteria.

direction for paper

Simulation Paper Directions for Under Assignments under Instructions

Create a three to five-page paper (excluding title and reference pages) in which you address the questions (below). Use headings to indicate your responses to each question. Using first person point of view is acceptable for this paper. Double space. Cite your text, outside references, and the simulation. Provide examples that support your ideas.

Discuss the choices you made and identify the four biases associated with this case (cite your simulation reports, outside references and your textbook). Some questions to consider:
Consider the media’s reaction to this crisis. How should the CEO address safety concerns related to these products? Use 2-3 paragraphs to provide recommendations.
Conduct an Internet search on product safety crises. Identify a company who experienced a similar crisis (cite your references). Describe it. Did the company handle the situation well? Why or why not?

  1. Why did you make those choices? Which kinds of information did you use to make these choices? Which decisions seem challenging? Why? Was there any additional information you would like to have before making a choice? Why or why not? If you have identified something, describe the information source and why you believe it would help. How did the biases affect judgement and decision making?

Have you encountered the any of the four biases in your life, and what strategies could you employ to ensure that you do not fall into these biases in your professional/personal decision making?

The Rubric for the paper

Criteria No Submission Poor Fair Good Exemplary Criterion Score
Proficiency, Knowledge, Understanding, and Research Depth 30 points 0 points
No Submission

12 points
0-12 points Does not refer to any examples or theories to support thesis. Sources are not credible. No discernible thesis is developed.

18 points
13-18 points Alludes to examples and theories in a general way to support thesis. Sources are suspect. Levels of depth and understanding are minimally acceptable.

24 points
19-24 points Supports thesis. Refers to examples or theories from peer-reviewed or other credible sources. Shows a credible level of depth and understanding of the subject.

30 points
25-30 points Supports thesis with specific examples and theories from peer reviewed and other credible sources. Shows a well-developed depth and understanding of the subject

Score of Proficiency, Knowledge, Understanding, and Research Depth 30 points, / 30
Synthesis, Analysis, and Comprehension 30 points 0 points
No Submission

12 points
0-12 points Does not integrate theory or knowledge in an acceptable fashion.

18 points
13-18 points Integrates theory and knowledge in a cursory manner.

24 points
19-24 points Integrates theory and knowledge in an accurate way to support thesis.

30 points
25-30 points Integrates theory and knowledge in an accurate and highly insightful way to support thesis.

Score of Synthesis, Analysis, and Comprehension 30 points, / 30
Organization, formulation, logic, and identification of key points 20 points 0 points
No Submission

7 points
0-7 points Paper is disorganized, points of thesis are not distinct, and information is not logically sequenced

12 points
8-13 points Paper is somewhat disorganized, points of the thesis are distinct, but the information is not logically sequenced.

19 points
14-19 points Paper is organized, points of the thesis are distinct, and information is logically sequenced and readily identifiable.

20 points
15-20 points Paper is organized, points of the thesis are distinct, and information is logically sequenced and key points are made obvious.

Score of Organization, formulation, logic, and identification of key points 20 points, / 20
Grammar, style and word choice 10 points 0 points
No Submission

2 points
0-2 points Word choice and sentence structure are not suitable for graduate level work. Repeated typographical, spelling, and punctuation errors are an obstacle.

5 points
3-5 points Word choice and sentence structure are marginally acceptable for graduate level work. Moderate typographical, spelling, or punctuation errors create reading interruptions.

8 points
6-8 points Word choice and sentence structure are suitable for graduate level work. Minimal typographical, spelling, and punctuation errors.

10 points
9-10 points Word choice and sentence structure are suitable for graduate level work. Composition and punctuation issues are rare.

Score of Grammar, style and word choice 10 points, / 10
Proper use of the APA formatting style 10 points 0 points
No Submission

2 points
0-2 points Little use of references and citations and/or poor use of the APA style. Paper does not meet word or page requirements.

5 points
3-5 points Some use of references and citations and/or moderate usage of the APA style. Paper meets word or page requirements.

8 points
6-8 points Good use of references and citations and reasonable usage of the APA style. Paper meets or exceeds assignment word or page requirements.

10 points
9-10 points Superior use of references and citations and/or solid usage of the APA style. Paper meets or exceeds assignment word or page requirements.

Score of Proper use of the APA formatting style 10 points, / 10
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