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Develop a skills gap analysis against the Early Years SENCo job description 4.2 Reflect on own practice to identify professional development opportunities, training and support needs for Early Years SENCo role 4.3 Explore

SENCO – Assignment 8

You must use the following template to structure your assignment.

Unit 2 Learning Outcome 4

Be able to practice as a reflective Early Years Practitioner

Assessment Criteria

4.1 Develop a skills gap analysis against the Early Years SENCo job description

4.2 Reflect on own practice to identify professional development opportunities, training and support needs for Early Years SENCo role

4.3 Explore funding implications in relation to SEND for the Early Years SENCo. Save this written account separately:

Once complete you should then upload it to the eportfolio using the instructions in the participant handbook to guide you to the relevant assessment criteria.


You must list the books, articles, national and local policies and guidance, documents and websites you have used to support your reflective account. You can also refer to your learning from relevant modules and training sessions. This is not an academic reference list as you are not required to use a particular reference system. However, it is a list of sources that you have referred to in the text below, or read to inform your account.

Books, articles, and documents you have used



Word count

There is no minimum or maximum word count for this written account. Most important is that you fully cover the relevant assessment criteria and the relevant assessment verb (e.g., explain, evaluate, describe, analyse etc.)


If you have not fully covered any of the assessment criteria related to this written account, you will be asked to provide additional evidence which will most likely mean you will need to add more words to the initial written account. If you are required to do a resubmission, please ensure that you that make any additions in bold, alternative colour or add a date to identify any amendments or actions in the document as the assessor would only need to re-assess the additions and not the whole piece again. 

You must use the following template to structure your written account.

Write in full sentences not in note form or bullet points.

4.1 Develop a skills gap analysis against the Early Years SENCo job description.

Develop means expand a plan or idea by adding more detail and/or depth of information.


Write in full sentences not in note form or bullet points.

Review your final needs analysis and The Role of the Early Years SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) document, identify your personal strengths and any gaps linked to your skills, knowledge and practice as a SENCo to be addressed following your training.



Learning needs






Reflect on your answers above and explain why you have identified these learning needs and opportunities


4.2 Reflect on own practice to identify professional development opportunities, training and support needs for Early Years SENCo role

Reflect means consider actions, experiences or learning and the implications for this for their practice and/or professional development.


Write in full sentences not in note form or bullet points.

This action plan must be completed using the information identified in your SLOT analysis for 4.1 in the template on the next page.

Note: there is a third task after the landscape pages.

Intent - including the reasons why

Implementation - Actions planned

Success criteria-How will you measure that your intent has been achieved?

Deadline date for completion

Impact-Evaluate what difference has this made?

Example – Attending termly LA SENCo meetings – to keep up to date with local developments and updates and liaise with other SENCo’s to build my confidence within the role to support my setting team

Investigate when meetings are

Book time to attend

Take notes

Disseminate information to setting team

Update any policies and procedures as needed following updates

Attend meetings

Will be able to share local updates with team and see this put into practice

March 24

What do you want the impact to be?

What has the impact been?


















4.3 Explore funding implications in relation to SEND for the Early Years SENCo.

Explore means to investigate, study, or look into to find out more about it.


Write in full sentences, not in note form or bullet points.

You must refer to, giving examples, how funding can change as children’s needs change.

You must also discuss barriers and challenges of accessing funding and eligibility, adequacy