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CY 105 The development of self-concept from differing theoretical perspectives


CY 105 The development of self-concept from differing theoretical perspectives


Programme of Study: FdSc in Person-Centred Counselling
Module Code / Module Title: Person in Society
Assignment Title: The development of the self-concept from differing theoretical perspectives.
Value of Assignment: 100% of final Module Grade
Module Tutor:  
Assignment Hand-out Date:  
Assignment Hand-in Date/Time:  



Assessment Rationale / Aims:

To enable students to understand how the self-concept develops in personal, social, and cultural contexts. To facilitate exploration of the person-centred perspective of the development of the self-concept through conditions of worth

Learning Outcomes for the Assessment:

1      Discuss a range of personal, social, and cultural relationships in which the self-concept develops

2      Examine the person-centred perspective of the self-concept

3      Examine development of own self-concept

2      Discuss the potential impact of person-centred counselling on conditions of worth


The Brief (general description of the coursework requirements)

A 2500 word essay which examines the development of the self-concept in a personal, social, and cultural context including appropriate personal experiences and knowledge.


1.    Introduction

Summarise what you will cover in your work

Suggested word count 150 words


2.    (LO1)

The first section of your essay will look at a generalised view of the self-concept including the factors that may impact self-concept development. Students will be engaged in seminar groups in the module to examine different factors which may affect the development of self-concept and these groups will provide students with material to examine these influences in their essay.


The areas which students will  examine in seminars are

●        Education

●        Culture

●        Family

●        Media

●        Social Networking


(Seminars will be for 45 minutes – 30 minutes for the Seminar and 15 minutes for questions)

Suggested word count – 650 words


3.    (LO2)

You will need to discuss in depth the person-centred perspective of the self-concept. This will include original ideas and also the more modern perspectives such as the concept of configurations of self – mainly advanced by Mearns and Thorne.

Suggested word count – 650 words


4.    (LO3)

In this section you will be writing about the development of your own self-concept. Usually in academic writing you include your own life experiences and knowledge which make up about 10%-15% of the work. In this essay you may feel it is appropriate to write more to cover this outcome.

Suggested word count – 250 words (if you want to include more here, reduce your word count in other sections)


5.    (LO4)

Show your understanding of the potential impact of person-centred counselling in relation to conditions of worth. Ensure that you include Rogers’ original ideas and his thoughts on the necessary and sufficient six conditions of therapy

Suggested word count – 650 words


6.    Conclusion

Include your key findings from the work. Refrain from adding new content to a conclusion, this should only be what you have already written about in summary form.

Suggested word count – 150 words


Important things to remember when writing your essay

●        Address all of the learning outcomes given at the top of the brief. Failing to do so will result in you failing the assignment.

●        Use the correct format for writing academic essays – more on this below.

●        Your work needs to include academic references to theory from published literature. This may include citations and/or direct quotes.

●        You will be given a hand-in time and date for your essay. Please contact the tutor team if you think you will not be able to meet the deadline to discuss possible alternative arrangements.

●        Assignments need to be submitted online. It is your responsibility to ensure that you submit the correct version of your work by the deadline.


Theory Essay Format

●        All essays need to be presented as word processed documents.

●        Put the title of your essay at the top of the first page.

●        The recommended font sizes for all written assignments are 11/12 and the commonly used fonts are, Arial, Times New Roman and Calibri.

●        Essays should be double spaced with pages numbered and your student number included in the header or footer.

●        Avoid using Bold print to highlight any part of your essay.

●        A word count must be included at the end of your essay – direct quotes are not included in the word count.

●        You have a 10% margin either way (+/-) on the word count.

●        At the end of your essay include a reference section for all sources that you have quoted directly/indirectly in your work.

●        You should utilise the Harvard reference system.

●        Any quotes of more than one or two sentences used in your assignment should be in italics and indented.

●        Please maintain confidentiality and preserve the anonymity of anyone, or any placement, you refer to.




Undergraduate Grade Descriptors   Levels 4, 5 and 6


80-100    A+ First class / Distinction

All learning outcomes/ assessment criteria have been achieved to an exceptionally high level resulting in an outstanding response to the task.


The work demonstrates most or all of the following characteristics beyond that expected for work at the given level of study within the discipline:


  • Exceptional display of understanding, exploration, insight and/or research
  • All specifications for the assessment task, including word limit/time limit where appropriate, have been adhered to
  • The organisation, structure and standard of presentation of the work, including referencing where appropriate, are exemplary throughout
  • The work has been approached and/or executed/performed in an original way
  • Inspirational, innovative and authoritative – evidence of intellectual rigour, independence of judgement and insightful contextualisation, including relevant theory/literature/artefacts/performance
  • Evidence of very high quality analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal
  • Consistently displays very high levels of initiative, personal responsibility, decision-making and achievement


70-79     A, A-   First class / Distinction

All learning outcomes/assessment criteria have been achieved to a high standard and many at an exceptionally high level.  An excellent response to the task.


  • The work demonstrates most or all of the following characteristics in relation to those expected at the given level of study within the discipline:
  • In-depth understanding, exploration, insight and/or research
  • All specifications for the assessment task, including word limit/time limit where appropriate, have been adhered to
  • The organisation, structure and standard of presentation of the work, including referencing where appropriate, are excellent throughout
  • The work has been approached and/or executed/performed in an original way
  • Insightful contextualisation, including relevant theory/ literature/ artefacts/ performance
  • Evidence of high to very high-quality analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal
  • Demonstrates high levels of initiative, personal responsibility, decision-making and achievement


60-69    B+, B, B- Upper Second class / Merit

All learning outcomes/assessment criteria have been met fully at a good or very good standard.  A good to very good response to the task.


The work demonstrates most or all of the following characteristics in relation to those expected at the given level of study within the discipline:


  • Good to very good understanding and exploration, some insight and/or thorough research
  • No significant inaccuracies, misunderstandings or errors
  • The specifications for the assessment task, including word limit/time limit where appropriate, have been adhered to
  • The work is well organised, coherent and the standard of presentation, including referencing where appropriate, is at least good
  • The work has been approached and/or executed/performed in a comprehensive and appropriate way
  • Appropriate contextualisation, including relevant theory/ literature/ artefacts/performance
  • Evidence of high quality analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal
  • Demonstrates good levels of initiative, personal responsibility, decision-making and achievement


50-59    C+, C, C- Lower Second class / Pass

All learning outcomes/assessment criteria have been met and some may have been achieved at a good standard.  A sound, competent response to the task.


The work demonstrates most or all of the following characteristics in relation to those expected at the given level of study within the discipline:


  • Sound understanding and exploration, some insight and/or appropriate research
  • No significant inaccuracies and/or misunderstandings
  • No significant aberrations from the specifications for the assessment task, including word limit/time limit where appropriate
  • The work is suitably organised and the standard of presentation, including referencing where appropriate, is at least sound
  • The work has been approached and/or executed/performed in a standard way
  • Sound analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal
  • Demonstrates some levels of initiative, personal responsibility, decision-making and achievement


40-49  D+, D, D- Third class / Pass


All learning outcomes/assessment criteria have just been met.  An adequate, but weak response to the task.


The work demonstrates most or all of the following characteristics in relation to those expected at the given level of study within the discipline:


  • Adequate understanding and/or exploration of major ideas with little insight and/or minimal research
  • Some minor inaccuracies and/or misunderstandings
  • Some minor aberrations from the specifications for the assessment task, including word limit/time limit where appropriate
  • The work is largely descriptive, some parts of the work are disorganised and the standard of presentation, including referencing where appropriate, is barely adequate
  • The work has been approached and/or executed/performed in a basic and/or poor way
  • Some, but limited, evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal
  • Demonstrates limited levels of initiative, personal responsibility, decision-making and achievement


30-39  E+, E, E- Fail

One or more of the learning outcomes/ assessment criteria have not been met.  An unsatisfactory response to the task.


The work may display some strength but these are outweighed by several weak features in relation to the expectations for the given level of study within the discipline, such as:


  • Limited understanding and/or exploration of major ideas with very little insight and/or minimal research
  • Some significant inaccuracies and/or misunderstandings
  • Insufficient attention paid to some of the assessment criteria and some significant aberrations from the specifications for the assessment task
  • The work is too descriptive, parts of the work are disorganised and unclear and the standard of presentation, including referencing where appropriate, is poor
  • The work has been approached and/or executed/performed in a poor way
  • Insufficient evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal
  • Little evidence of initiative, personal responsibility, decision-making and achievement


10-29  F+, F  Fail

Most of the learning outcomes/assessment criteria have not been met.  An unsatisfactory response to the task.


Any strengths of the work are heavily outweighed by many weak features in relation to the expectations for the given level of study within the discipline, such as:


  • Very limited understanding and/or exploration of major ideas with little or no insight and/or minimal research
  • Several significant inaccuracies and/or misunderstandings
  • Insufficient attention paid to several of the assessment criteria and some serious deviations from the specifications for the assessment task
  • The work is descriptive and the standard of presentation including referencing where appropriate is very poor
  • The work has been approached and/or executed/performed inadequately
  • Little evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal
  • Little to no evidence of initiative, personal responsibility, decision-making and achievement


0-9  F-  Fail

Almost none of the learning outcomes/ assessment criteria have been met.  An unsatisfactory response to the task.


The work fails to meet the requirements in relation to those expected at the given level of study within the discipline, exemplified by most or all of the following:


  • Almost no understanding and/or exploration of ideas
  • Many serious inaccuracies and/or misunderstandings
  • No attention paid to all or most of the assessment criteria and/or to the specifications for the assessment task
  • Very poor standard of presentation including referencing where appropriate
  • The work has been approached and/or executed/performed inadequately
  • No evidence of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and critical appraisal

No evidence of initiative, personal responsibility, decision-making and achievement