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Critically analyse knowledge of commonly encountered mental, physical, health conditions, to inform nursing assessment and the development and review

HS3017 Developing Advanced Knowledge and Skills for Professional Practice

Programme Name:

BSc Nursing

Module Name:

Developing Advanced Knowledge and Skills for Professional Practice

Module Code:


Module Credits:


Year of Study:





Assessment Name:

2000-word critical evaluation of two advancing nursing skills

Assessment Weighting:

Essay: 100%

Pass mark:

Essay – 40%


If you have questions about the assessment requirements please contact the module leader

For questions about the practicalities around completing and submitting the assessment, please contact —

Summative assessment:

A 2000-word critical evaluation of your personal and professional development in advancing nursing skills.

Assessment Details


This essay aims to:

Encourage you to consolidate, apply and critically appraise two advancing nursing skills that you will be expected to undertake as a registered graduate nurse.

Enable you to explore and appreciate the significance of these advancing nursing skills and how they influence your holistic care, clinical decision-making, situational judgement, and leadership skills.

Enable you to explore and critically appraise the evidence-base that will inform your nursing practice.  

Allow you to critically evaluate and appraise your learning as you prepare to be a registered nurse.

Learning Outcomes:

Act in accordance with the Code; Professional standards of practice; behaviours; lifestyle and personal fitness and well-being for nurses to fulfil registration requirements.

Perform required advanced nursing and assessment skills to meet individual’s and family’s needs.

Critically analyse knowledge of commonly encountered mental, physical, health conditions, to inform nursing assessment and the development and review of person-centred nursing care plans (includes the ability to perform all nursing procedures and manage devices required to meet people’s needs for effective interventions and person centred nursing care)

Working in partnership with individuals and families, communicate effectively using a range of skills and strategies with diverse groups of people, in different situations enabling people to be empowered and make informed choices

Critical Evaluation Essay:

You are expected to write a 2000-word critical evaluation which appraises the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to undertake advancing nursing skills and the implications of this for your role as a registered nurse. You will be required to identify two advancing nursing skills and evaluate how these ensure the provision of safe and compassionate care. Please look at the assignment presentation for the list of skills.

You must include an evaluation of the significance of your learning and explore the implications of this for your future practice and development. Relevant literature must be appraised and evidenced to inform your commentary.

Your word count includes all words and characters that make up the body of your work. This includes any abstract, headings, tables, diagrams, quotations, citations and footnotes.  It does not include the title of your work.  The word count does not include the reference list at the end of your work. It also does not include information contained in any appendices.  Please make sure that any information which is essential to your work is included in the body of your work and not added to appendices.

Pass Mark

The pass mark for this assessment is 40%

This piece of work will be marked anonymously.


You will receive your feedback 4 weeks following submission of the essay. Individual feedback will be given using a marking rubric.

Marking Criteria

Please find the marking criteria for this essay below. They are descriptions, based on the module’s learning outcomes, of the skills, knowledge or attributes you need to demonstrate in order to complete an assessment successfully. Your feedback will be based on them. 

You are also advised to consult the Grade Related Criteria in your Programme Handbook for descriptions of the level of skills, knowledge, or attributes you need to demonstrate to achieve a certain grade or mark in an assessment.





Overall grade

Very good








Poor 39% and below 

Marker to indicate grade awarded in this column.

Presentation 5%







Demonstrate logical and coherent development in your work. It must be clearly presented.

Professionally presented work that is well constructed and logically developed.

Spelling and grammar correct.

Professionally presented work that is clearly written and logically developed. A few minor spelling and/or grammatical errors may be evident.

Professionally presented work. Essay is well structured but lacks logical development in places. Minor spelling and/or grammatical errors may be evident.

Work is clearly presented, but logical/coherent development of ideas is not always evident. 

Some spelling and/or grammatical errors may be included. 

Logical and coherent development is not evident within the essay.

Numerous spelling and/or grammatical errors are present.


Citation practice 5%







Use an accurate and recognised referencing system.

All references accurate and complete using City guidelines within text and in reference list. www.citethemrightonline.com

City guidelines used.

Minor inaccuracies in citation practice within text or reference list www.citethemrightonline.com

City guidelines used.

Some inaccuracies in citation practice within text or reference list.


City guidelines used. 

Several inaccuracies in citation practice within text or reference list. 


City guidelines may not be used. Numerous inaccuracies in citation practice within text and reference list/ or reference list missing. www.citethemrightonline.com


Implications of advancing nursing skills 40%







Critically evaluate the implications of advancing nursing skills for your nursing practice and your role as a registered nurse.

Very good identification of how undertaking advancing nursing skills can influence your role as a registered nurse.

Strong critical evaluation of the influence advancing nursing skills have on professional standards.

Excellent use of relevant supporting literature, research, and practice initiatives, reflecting a broad range of resources and depth of reading.

Good identification of how undertaking advancing nursing skills can influence your role as a registered nurse.

Good critical evaluation of the influence advancing nursing skills have on professional standards. 

Good use of relevant supporting literature, research, and practice initiatives, reflecting a depth and breadth of reading.

The influence of how undertaking advancing nursing skills can influence your role as a registered nurse is identified.

A clear critical evaluation of the influence advancing nursing skills have on professional standards, though a consistent critical approach may be lacking. 

Appropriate use of relevant supporting literature, research, and practice initiatives, reflecting a depth and breadth of reading, though this may vary in places.

The influence of undertaking advancing nursing skills on your role as a registered nurse is identified but lacks detail.

Satisfactory critical evaluation of the influence advancing nursing skills have on professional standards, though this may vary and/or is descriptive in places.

Some appropriate use of relevant supporting literature, research, and practice initiatives, reflecting some breadth and depth of reading, though this is limited in places.

The influence of undertaking advancing nursing skills on your role is limited and not clearly identified. 

Evaluation of the influence advancing nursing skills have on professional standards is limited, lacks a critical approach and is descriptive.

Limited / no links to supporting literature, research and practice initiatives is made or some non-academic /professional sources used. 


Advancing nursing skills and patient care 40%







Critically evaluate the implications of two advancing nursing skills on patient care.

Very good identification of two advancing nursing skills, with a well-articulated rationale for choice.

Strong critical evaluation of the two identified nursing skills and how the development of these contributes to safe and compassionate care.

Excellent use of relevant supporting literature, research, and practice initiatives, reflecting a broad range of resources and depth of reading.

Good identification of two advancing nursing skills, with a clear rationale for choice.

Good critical evaluation of the two identified nursing skills and how the development of these contributes to safe and compassionate care.

Good use of relevant supporting literature, research, and practice initiatives, reflecting a depth and breadth of reading.

Two advancing nursing skills are identified, with a clear rationale for choice.

A clear critical evaluation of the two identified nursing skills and how the development of these contributes to safe and compassionate care, though a consistent critical approach may vary in places.

Appropriate use of relevant supporting literature, research, and practice initiatives, reflecting a depth and breadth of reading, though this may vary in places..

Two advancing nursing skills are identified with some rationale for choice.

Satisfactory evaluation of the two identified nursing skills and how the development of these contributes to safe and compassionate care, though this may vary and / or is descriptive in places.

Some appropriate use of relevant supporting literature, research, and practice initiatives, reflecting some breadth and depth of reading, though this is limited in places.

Two or only one advancing nursing skill(s) identified. Rationale for choice is limited and not clearly defined.

Evaluation of identified nursing skills and how the development of these contributes to safe and compassionate care, lacks a critical approach and is descriptive.

Limited links to supporting literature, research, and practice initiatives and/or non-academic/ professional sources used.


Future nursing practice 10%







Critically evaluate the implications for your future nursing practice and knowledge

Very good evaluation of personal learning and the implications of advancing nursing skills.

Strong consideration given to how the continued development of these skills will influence your future nursing practice.

Excellent use of relevant supporting literature, research, and practice initiatives, reflecting a broad range of resources and depth of reading.

Good evaluation of personal learning and the implications of advancing nursing skills.

Very good consideration given to how the continued development of these skills will influence your future nursing practice.

Very good use of relevant supporting literature, research, and practice initiatives, reflecting a depth and breadth of reading

A clear and relevant evaluation of personal learning and the implications of advancing nursing skills is identified.

Consideration of how the continued development of these skills will influence your future nursing practice is clearly identified, though the level of criticality may vary.

Appropriate use of relevant supporting literature, research, and practice initiatives, reflecting a depth and breadth of reading, though this may vary in places.

 Personal learning and the implications of advancing nursing skills is identified.

Consideration of how the continued development of these skills will influence your future nursing practice is identified, but lacks detail.

Some appropriate use of relevant supporting literature, research, and practice initiatives, reflecting some breadth and depth of reading, though this is limited in places.

Personal learning and the implications of advancing nursing skills is limited and/or not clearly identified.

Consideration of how the continued development of these skills will influence your future nursing practice is limited, missing and / or descriptive

Limited use of relevant supporting literature, research, and practice initiatives and/or non-academic professional sources are used in places.

