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Concept Map Assignment Instructions Essay

Concept Map Assignment Instructions Essay

Review all instructions here, and grading rubric below, thoroughly.
identify a concept from your HESI Dashboard, to apply to this concept map assignment.
The nursing concept must be chosen from the ‘Weak Performance Areas.’ Concept Map Assignment Instructions Essay

Refamiliarize yourself with this concept; review it in your third (3rd) edition Gidden’s e-book Concepts for Nursing Practice.
. Identify a patient case to build this concept map for. You may use a current patient, or a patient situation from a previous encounter.


If you do not have access to a current/live patient experience to complete your concept map on, you may access a simulated patient experience

Gather the patient data, and organize the information on the Nursing Process Template. Concept Map Assignment Instructions Essay

. Link and connect the relationships of patient information and concept application on the Concept Map Template. https://nightingale.instructure.com/courses/3377367/files/224015083/download?download_frd=1


Concept Mapping Criteria

. Disease Process/Pathophysiology Risk Factors
5 pts
Thorough review of the disease process pathophysiology; identifies risk factors.

. Recognizing Cues Concept Map Assignment Instructions Essay

5 pts
Identifies at least four (4) critical cues that are relevant and could impact patient condition.

. Analyzing Cues
5 pts
Able to make three (3) – four (4) supporting connections between the cues and patient conditions, supporting a particular patient condition. Able to identify two (2) cues of concern to patient outcome.

Prioritizing Hypotheses Concept Map Assignment Instructions Essay
5 pts
Able to determine the order of three (3) hypotheses critical to positive patient outcomes listing them in order.

. Generating Solutions
List five (5) solutions/outcomes with appropriate interventions that will positively impact patient outcome and are appropriate to the care of the patient. Listing one (1) avoiding outcome that will negatively impact patient can also be listed in this category. Clearly identifying the negative outcome(s) and what shouldn’t be carried out and why. All outcomes/goals are SMART format. Concept Map Assignment Instructions Essay

. Take Actions
5 pts
Describing how each of the five (5) interventions will be carried out, performed, administered, communicated, taught, etc. Priority interventions are identified correctly. Concept Map Assignment Instructions Essay

. Evaluating Outcomes
5 pts
Describe how the five (5) interventions were effective, improved patient outcome, and why. OR Describe what interventions didn’t work and what should be done instead in the future. What would you do differently? How would the intervention adversely affect the patient outcome or care? Concept Map Assignment Instructions Essay