COMPARISON BETWEEN THE TWO OPERATIONS MODELS. Make a comparison between the operations models of a macro bakery-cafeteria in Barcelona with that of a
Task description: The following assignment is a group task (4-5 students).
· Objective:
· Make a comparison between the operations models of a macro bakery-cafeteria in Barcelona with a traditional, small-format bakery or cafeteria, applying basic academic concepts of operations and logistics.
Apply operations and logistics management concepts in diagnosing problems and developing recommendations for improvement.
Questions and tasks:
Important: Each team must complete all the mandatory tasks and choose one of the optional tasks.
1. COMPARISON BETWEEN THE TWO OPERATIONS MODELS. Make a comparison between the operations models of a macro bakery-cafeteria in Barcelona with that of a traditional small-format bakery or cafeteria, including the following aspects: Which is the Value Proposition from both companies? What type of operations processes (products) do both companies most likely use? What is the level of standardization or customization of their processes and products? Which of the 5 operations performance objectives do both companies seem to focus on the most (draw the polar diagram)? Remember to include the references of the data and relevant information to justify your arguments and analysis.
2. PRIMARY RESEARCH. Conduct Primary Research by visiting at least one of the stores of the chosen macro bakery-cafeteria (Vivari, 365, Granier, or El Fornet) and the small cafeteria or traditional bakery. This Primary Research may include customer surveys, interviews with managers, interviews with experts in the sector, etc. Check its bakery product portfolio. Observe (1-2 hours) how many of those products are delivered to end customer. Deduce the daily output. The evidence of the Primary Research must include the data collected, the main findings from the research, and photos of the visit (one picture from the front door and at least three from the inside).
3. LOCATION AND LAYOUT. Analize the Location and Layout Types of both companies. Draw the layouts using appropriate tools (hand drawn layouts are not accepted).What 5 factors do you think have been considered when choosing the location of both companies? What advantages and disadvantages do you think the chosen location provides for both companies? What do you consider to be the type of layout chosen by each company? What differences exist between them? Why do you think this type has been chosen?
Choose and develop one of the following tasks and remember to include the references of the data and relevant information to justify your arguments and analysis:
1. MATERIAL HANDLING EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS. Analize the Material Handling Strategy of both companies. Which should be the objectives of the Material Handling Strategy? Based on those strategic objectives, the secondary research carried out, and the information collected during your on-site investigation (primary research), what would you consider are the 5 most important material handling principles for both companies?
2. CAPACITY PLANNING. Based on the information that appears in the “Relevant Information” section and the data collected during your on-site investigation, calculate the design capacity, the effective capacity, and the actual capacity for the macro bakery-cafeteria. These calculations must be based on information for the month of December 2024. What specific recommendations regarding capacity management and demand estimation would you offer this company?
3. QUALITY CONTROL. Which are the 4 types of Quality Costs that may be found in those companies? If you where the Operations Manager of any of these companies, in which of them would you invest the most? Analyze the quality control measures that each of the companies you are studying has adopted. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages in each case. Are there regulations regarding food quality, space conditions, etc. that apply to these companies? Discuss your answer.
4. WASTE AND MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT. Analyze the types of waste that exist in both companies. Are they the same in type, volume, etc.? Considering the 8 types of waste studied in class, use the 5S method to propose a detailed and specific set of recommendations so that these companies can improve their waste management. About the maintenance systems,…what tools, techniques and new technologies could be incorporated to improve the maintenance management of the machinery and facilities of both companies?
Remember that in this type of assignments, the proposed questions should serve as a guide, but do not limit yourself exclusively to answering the questions. Make sure you include enough theoretical information (definitions of concepts, usefulness of management tools, etc.). Also, remember to back up your arguments on relevant and reliable sources.
Links of interest:
Scaling Bakery Operations with AMF High-Speed Bread Systems (
How a Massive Bread Factory Produces 150,000 Loaves per Week — Vendors (
Awesome Automated Bakery Food Processing Technologies (
La tramposa razón por la que hay una panadería con degustación en cada esquina
Tasks to submit:
A/ Report in pdf/word format:
· Structure of the Report: Cover page with full names of participants, Table of Contents, Introduction(1), Main body of the report (2), Conclusions(3), bibliography. References and charts are excluded of the total page and word count.
· Appendix: you have to attach an appendix containing the results of your primary research (interview transcription/survey result).
· Word count: 1+2+3 Minimum 10 pages, 2.000 words. Appendix out of page/word count.
· Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
· Text alignment: Justified.
· The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.
B/ Presentation (pdf/powerpoint). No limit of slides. Submit to Moodle attached to the report.
In class presentation:
§ Format: in-class group presentation in week 13 during the scheduled class hours
§ Duration: 15 min (+5 min for Q&A)
§ Presentations should include: Cover page with full names of participants, Table of Contents.
RELEVANT INFORMATION 1. Requirements for the comparison: MACRO BAKERY-CAFETERIA (Choose one). SMALL-FORMAT BAKERY OR CAFETERIA: The display area of products for sale must have an area of approximately 25 to 35 square meters. The space for the tasting will have an area of between 15 and 20 square meters, that is, a capacity for between 8 and 12 people (No more than 3-4 tables and 8-12 chairs) In the case of cafeterias, the offer of products ready for sale must not exceed 5 items. Most of the products on the menu must be prepared at the moment.
Submission: Via Moodle (Turnitin). Limit: week 13, 1 h before the presentation.
Weight: This task is 60 % of your total grade for this subject.
Rubrics :
Learning Descriptors |
Fail Below 60% |
Marginal Fail 60-69% |
Fair 70-79 % |
Good 80-89% |
Exceptional 90-100% |
Purpose & Understanding
10% |
Very poor coverage of central
Minimal understanding of purpose
Reasonable understanding and Reflect partial achievement of
A sound grasp of, and clearly
Effectively describes and |
10% |
Content is unclear, inaccurate and/or incomplete. Brief and irrelevant. |
Limited content that does not really support the purpose of the report. Displays only rudimentary knowledge of the content area. Reader gains
Presents some information that adequately supports the central purpose, |
Presents clear and appropriate information that adequately supports Demonstrates satisfactory knowledge of the content area. Reader gains
Presents balanced, significant and valid information that |
5% |
Information/content is not logically organized or presented. Topics/
Information/content is not, at times, logically organized or presented.
Information/content is presented in a rea-sonable sequence. Topic |
Information/content is presented in a clear and understandable sequence.
Information/content is presented in a logical, interesting and |
Style & Tone
Writing is poor, unclear and unen-gaging, and the rea-der finds it |
Writing is unenga-ging and reader finds it difficult to maintain |
Writing is usually engaging and keeps the reader’s attention. Tone |
Writing style and tone is generally good and sustains interest
Writing is compelling and sustains interest throughout. Tone is consistently
Use of References
Little or no evidence of reference sources in the report. Content
Most references are from sources that are not peer-reviewed or |
Professionally legiti-mate references are generally used. Fair |
Professionally and academically legitimate references are used. Clear |
Presents compelling evidence from pro-fessionally and aca-demically |
Research project exhibits no formatting, or frequent and significant
There are too many errors in the Harvard formatting to be acceptable
Harvard formatting is employed in the research project with |
Harvard formatting is used accurately and consistently throughout |
Harvard formatting is used accurately and consistently |
Oral Communication Skills
Oral presentation cannot be understood because there is no logical |
Research information is presented in a sequence that at times is Graphics support and are related to the content of the project, but |
Research information is presented in a sequence that the audience Overall, the oral presentation is delivered in a satisfactory manner |
Research information is presented in a sequence that the audience Overall, the oral presentation is
Research information is presented in a logical, interesting and
Analytical / Critical
20% |
Research problem, concept or idea is not clearly articu-lated,
Research problem, concept or idea is not clearly articulated at times
Adequately iden-tifies and describes (or sketches out) the
Formulates a clear description of the research problem, concept or
Effectively formula-tes a clear descript-tion of the research |
Integration Skills
20% |
Shows little ability to employ theory and practice across the functional |
Shows some ability to employ theory and practice across the functional |
Exhibits application of principles, theories and practices Adequately identifies and describes (or summarizes) solutions, recommendations |
Demonstrates an ability to integrate and apply principles, theories Identifies, examines and critically
Demonstrates well-developed ability to integrate and apply |