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Communicate effectively in a culturally appropriate manner to support a person’s health or well being Provide culturally appropriate person-centred

Assignment Brief

The aim of this course:

This course introduces students to the aging process and how it affects one’s lifestyle and wellbeing over time and covers the support requirements for caring for the aged in palliative care and signs of abuse and appropriate responses. 

Graduate Profile Outcomes (GPO’s)

  • Apply knowledge of relevant legislation, regulations and codes in a health and well begin setting to provide health and well begin services in an ethical and professional manner.
  • Recognise and response to signs of vulnerability and abuse in a health and wellbeing setting
  • Communicate effectively in a culturally appropriate manner to support a person’s health or well being Provide culturally appropriate person-centred health and well begin support maximise a person’s independence.
  • Recognise and respond to sign of functional, behavioural, environmental, or other health or well begin change in a person, in a home community setting.

Assessment 2

Learning Outcomes  

LO2: Describe types of abuse and vulnerability that may occur in a health and wellbeing setting and appropriate responses to these. 
LO3: Describe regulations and the role of the support worker in providing culturally appropriate palliative and terminal healthcare.  


There are 2 parts of this assessment.

Part A: e-portfolio     
Part B: Presentation (15 mins duration)           

Assessment Questions

Part A: E-Portfolio 

  • In your E-Portfolio you must provide below documents/evidence
  • A brief Curriculum Vitae (CV) outlining your qualification, experience, interests, and strengths.
  • Evidence of any 2 CANVAS discussions from module 2 (Vulnerability and Abuse) and any 2 discussions from module 3 (Palliative Care). You can provide the screen shots or links of your discussions.
  • Provide a link of any news/research article or you tube video on Vulnerability and abuse or Palliative Care.  You need to provide a brief explanation why you selected it and what did you learn from it. (Approx. 100 words)

Part B

  • You need to prepare PPT (PowerPoint presentation) with 7 to 10 slides that can be covered in 15 mins.

Your presentation must be structured as follows:


  • Identify all types of abuse and vulnerability.
  • Select any one form of abuse and describe its signs and symptoms. How would you respond to it as a support worker?
  • Provide any one example of vulnerability and explain the most appropriate response.


  • Define Advance Care Planning and Informed Consent. Why are they important in Palliative Care.
  • Explain as a support worker how can you provide terminal care.                                                                                                     
  • Why Palliative Care should be provided in a culturally appropriate manner