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CHOOSE ONE of the following. You may complete the paper for which you created an annotated bibliography. In your paper, you are examining the ethical challenges a community must consider when adopting a bioethical

CHOOSE ONE of the following. You may complete the paper for which you created an annotated bibliography. In your paper, you are examining the ethical challenges a community must consider when adopting a bioethical technology or practice. Please approach this paper like a literature review, meaning you will have the following sections: A) Introduction of issues and YOUR THESIS. This is where you state the conclusion you are building toward. A strong thesis is clear (understandable to any reader), directed (you are stating something for which someone could disagree), and focused (it is arguable in a 3-5 page paper). B) Summary of literature, including parts that point to other conclusions than the one you are suggesting. A KEY factor here is ensuring that the sources you choose directly speak to the topic you are addressing. For example, if you are writing about the efficacy of COVID vaccines, do not include an article about masking, as that is not directly related to your thesis. (Though a broader thesis could address both of these, to be sure). C) A clear statement of your position on the issue, particularly on how this affects and is affected by communal factors. (e.g. those emphasized by Cahill). This paper should be 3-5 pages long and will be assessed for: 1) quality of thesis. 2) quality of sources AND engagement with those sources (MINIMUM 3 SOURCES that you found and 1 source FROM the course materials). 3) The grammar, writing style, and formatting. A movie analysis: Watch one of the following movies and write up an evaluation of the bioethical issues involved. If there is another movie you would like to analyze, contact me for approval. Your essay must identify the ethical issue involved, an analysis of what ethical dilemma the characters in the movie are facing, and what theological or Christian ethical principles are involved in this analysis. While this option does not require additional research, you should use and cite our course readings/lectures in your analysis. Do not include a full plot summary in your review of the movie. If you cite a quote or reference a scene in the movie, provide a citation with the director's name, the date of release, and a time index for finding the quote: (Smith 2002, 00:00:00). This essay must be approximately 3-6 pages (minimum of 1000 words). Grading will be based on: 1) Quality of Thesis (in this case your thesis will include at least one principle of bioethics we have discussed and will offer a critical perspective on some aspect of the film); 2) Quality and depth of analysis of film and sources, and 3) APA formatting and grammar. Diving Bell and the Butterfly (2007) – severe disability Gattaca(1997) –genetic screening Still Alice (2014) – chronic illness and memory loss A Beautiful Mind (2001) – mental illness and genius The Island (2005) – cloning, surrogate motherhood, and organ harvesting Seven Pounds (2008) – organ donation Wonder (2017) – rare genetic disorders Million Dollar Baby (2004) – euthanasia and right-to-die Lucy (2014) – human enhancement John Q (2002) – healthcare access and organ donation (Please note: all movie choices here are at your own discretion; please take note of MPAA ratings and themes. Not all movies will be suitable for all people, so please exercise discretion in making your choice. As noted, you can choose your own film if you would prefer.) 3. An integrative presentation. For this presentation (not an academic paper), you will be recording a video discussing how bioethics intersects with your professional life. This will include at least three elements: first, a description of who you are, your professional role, and any other relevant information to describe the communal context within which you work. Second, analysis of a potential bioethical challenge that typically arises in your specific workplace/line of work. Third and finally, a description of a theoretical perspective (right actions, outcomes, relationships), description of relevant principles within that perspective (e.g. preferential option for the poor, autonomy), and an explanation of how you embody those principles and perspectives as you work within a given area. Consider how your colleagues will approach the issue(s) differently because of your presence, the values you have, and what you learned in this course. The expectation is that the presentation should be a minimum of 10-15 minutes in order to address the topic in depth. Note that this might cause problems for uploading, so be sure to back up your presentation. You can also, if necessary save it in a Google drive and provide access (you will submit an invite link and the references page). Even though this is a presentation not a paper, you are still expected to cite at least 3 sources, two of which must be from class (readings or introductory materials in the modules). Technical details for A and B: . Technical Details for C: 1. The final assignment must be submitted through Canvas, by midnight on June 30 as a media recording. 2. Use of visual aids (e.g. powerpoint) is highly recommended. 3. Please attach a formal References page formatted in APA style with at least 3 sources. Rubric: All the projects will be assessed for the following: 1) Quality of thesis. You MUST make a case with a thesis that is clear and direct. 2) Quality of assessment; you must explain and apply principles (from Panicola and CST) and theoretical approaches (e.g. right outcomes, actions, relationships) correctly and in a way that shows engagement and knowledge. 3) Quality of presentation. For a written presentation, this means proper APA formatting and lack of errors. For a video presentation this means 'good enough' production value (e.g. lack of distractions, clear speaking) as well as correct sentence structure and a proper APA references page.