Choose ONE global health issue within your selected country and write an in-depth analysis paper (3-4 pages [Excluding title page and reference page]
Choose ONE global health issue within your selected country and write an in-depth analysis paper (3-4 pages [Excluding title page and reference page], 12-point font, double-spaced). The main purpose of this analysis paper is to provide the opportunity to synthesize the information you have gathered during the course while examining a specific global health issue you believe is important. The analysis should clearly identify a specific health issue affecting a region of the world and/or specific population within your assigned country. It can be one of the SDGs or a topic previously discussed. You should also propose some evidence-based solutions to address the issue you identified.
You may use the following structure for your paper:
- Title page
- Introduction
- Nature/Magnitude
- Affected Population
- Risk Factors
- Economic and Social Consequences
- Proposed Solution
- Conclusions
- References (APA 7th Edition, at least 5 references from reliable sources)
Submission Guidelines
- No specific format style is required
- Accepted submission file types: Word.
- Ensure appropriate in-text citations and reference list (APA 7th Edition. Accepted sources include peer-reviewed papers, government/ international organization reports/website pages, and reports from large nonprofit research organizations such as KFF, and Commonwealth Foundation)