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BUSM4177 Leadership Assessment 2: Leadership research and critical reflection Assessment type: Critical reflection Word limit: 1,500 words (+/- 10%) Due Date: Friday 15 September 2023, 19:00 (Melbourne time) – Week 8 Weighting: 30% Overview

BUSM4177 Leadership Assessment 2: Leadership research and critical reflection Assessment type: Critical reflection Word limit: 1,500 words (+/- 10%) Due Date: Friday 15 September 2023, 19:00 (Melbourne time) – Week 8 Weighting: 30% Overview You are required to critically reflect on the guest industry speaker’s presentation that will outline challenging issues in leadership and use that knowledge to select a person whom you consider to be a successful and effective leader and analyse their leadership traits and behaviours, and use of power. The purpose of this assessment is for you to critically reflect on the guest industry speaker’s experience and draw from their experiences the qualities of leadership that you can apply to a leader of your choosing. Through critical reflection you will connect those leadership qualities to your own leadership or potential leadership qualities and cultivate them as part of your leadership development. This assessment will challenge you to research and apply leadership theories, models and concepts that are covered in this course. Marking criteria This assessment will measure your ability to: critically analyse your chosen leader’s leadership behaviours, traits, use of power, and effectiveness understand relevant leadership theories, models and concepts referred to in your research and reflection acknowledge sources of information (format, quality and quantity of references) reflect on the international industry speaker’s experience Course learning outcomes This assessment is relevant to the following course learning outcomes: CLO1 Critically analyse and apply leadership theories and models in various organisational situations. CLO3 Use critical self-reflection as a tool for leadership development. Assessment details In this assessment, you will critically reflect on the guest industry speaker’s experience, synthesise your reflection and apply it to the leadership qualities of your chosen leader. You will be challenged to research and apply leadership theories, models and concepts that you have so far learnt in this course. By critically reflecting, analysing and applying leadership theories and models in this assessment, you will be building your knowledge and understanding to then be able to act on feedback that will enhance your leadership capabilities and act on opportunities for leadership development in Assessment 3. This assessment has three stages: Listen to the presentation provided by the Guest Industry Speaker. The Guest Industry Speaker will outline some of the difficulties that leaders face, and you will need to critically reflect on the qualities needed to be an effective leader, and the relevant models and theories. For more information about how to write a critical reflection (and how it is different to a personal reflection), check out ‘RMIT Learning Lab': https://emedia.rmit.edu.au/learninglab/content/writing-and-assessmentsLinks to an external site.Writing an "academic reflection". Using the knowledge gained from your reflection, select a person whom you consider to be a successful and effective leader. This person could be: someone you work/ed with anyone you judge to be a good leader someone you interact/ed with in person a public figure someone you have read about. 3. Research and identify your chosen person’s leadership traits, behaviours and use of power. Then answer the following questions: Q1: What makes your chosen person a good leader? (~200 words) Q2: How do you perceive this person’s leadership traits and behaviours to be effective? (~1,000 words) Q3: How does the person use power and influence to make that person an effective leader? (~300 words) Your assessment must have at minimum 6 academic references from academic sources such as peer-reviewed journal articles and books. Websites, such as Wikipedia and blogs will not be accepted, other than for providing general details and these will not be counted in the minimum references required. Correct and thorough referencing and the quality of your sources will also be considered in the evaluation of your assignment. Please ensure that your spelling, grammar and syntax are correct before you submit your personal reflection. EUROPEAN INDUSTRY DIALOGUE: Global Industry Mindsets on Contemporary Leadership Dr Daria Tataj Daria Tataj, the Founder & CEO of Tataj Innovation. Dr Tataj is the inventor of Network IQ which provides a ground-breaking development enabling leaders throughout Europe and beyond to develop skills to enhance their social network skills and foster useful, productive, and beneficial innovations to the broader community. Week 5 Transcription Download Week 5 Transcription- Pre-Recorded Industry Dialogue Session Week 5 Video - Pre-Recorded Industry Dialogue Session Assessment structure The assessment should use the following structure. Title page Table of contents Introduction (includes your leader background information) Body with headings and sub-headings (e.g.Q1, Q2, Q3) Conclusion References Note: Sections 1, 2, 3 (your leader background information part) 5, and 6 are not included in the word count. Resources The following resources may help you in this assessment: RMIT Learning Lab: Writing an academic reflectionLinks to an external site.: Incorporate the guidelines in academic reflection in the critical reflection as you will need to incorporate academic sources in your work. Management, Human Resources and Entrepreneurship library guideLinks to an external site.: This library guide provides a list of useful journals and databases that hold academic articles on leadership. Referencing guidelines Use RMIT HarvardLinks to an external site. referencing style for this assessment. You must acknowledge all the courses of information you have used in your assessments. Refer to the RMIT Easy CiteLinks to an external site. referencing tool to see examples and tips on how to reference in the appropriated style. You can also refer to the library referencing page for more tools such as EndNote, referencing tutorials and referencing guides for printing. Submission format Use Word, PDF or similar. The assessment will be submitted in Canvas as a file upload. Academic integrity and plagiarism Academic integrity is about the honest presentation of your academic work. It means acknowledging the work of others while developing your own insights, knowledge and ideas. You should take extreme care that you have: Acknowledged words, data, diagrams, models, frameworks and/or ideas of others you have quoted (i.e. directly copied), summarised, paraphrased, discussed or mentioned in your assessment through the appropriate referencing methods Provided a reference list of the publication details so your reader can locate the source if necessary. This includes material taken from Internet sites If you do not acknowledge the sources of your material, you may be accused of plagiarism because you have passed off the work and ideas of another person without appropriate referencing, as if they were your own. RMIT University treats plagiarism as a very serious offence constituting misconduct. Plagiarism covers a variety of inappropriate behaviours, including: Failure to properly document a source Copyright material from the internet or databases Collusion between students For further information on our policies and procedures, please refer to the University website.Links to an external site. Instructions On the Course Menu, select the Assignments menu. Click the provided links for submission Upload your Assignment. Rubric Assignment Two - Leadership Research and Critical Reflection (AoL)) Assignment Two - Leadership Research and Critical Reflection (AoL)) Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a learning outcomeCritical analysis critically analyse your chosen leader’s effectiveness, leadership behaviours, traits and use of power 10 to >8.0 Pts High Distinction (HD) Exceptionally clear understanding and ability to critically analyse the leader’s effectiveness, leadership behaviours, traits and qualities and use of power. 8 to >7.0 Pts Distinction (DI) Strong grasp of understanding and ability to critically analyse the leader’s effectiveness, leadership behaviours, traits and qualities and use of power. 7 to >6.0 Pts Credit (CR) Competent understanding and ability to critically analyse the leader’s effectiveness, leadership behaviours, traits and qualities and use of power. 6 to >5.0 Pts Pass (PA) Some understanding and ability to critically analyse the leader’s effectiveness, leadership behaviours, traits and qualities and use of power. 5 to >0 Pts Fail (NN) Lack of understanding and ability to critically analysAttached