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Business Case:The centralized legal staff of an automotive manufacturer has determined that there is a need for an Ecommerce initiative to handle the invoicing transactions received by the legal staff and the law firms providing

IT Project Management
Case Study Assignment
Case Study and Presentation (Individual Assignment) - 20% (Due week 5, Sunday 11:55pm) Objective(s)
This assessment relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptor. This assessment is designed to evaluate student’s ability to identify the key phases of projects and to successfully manage the projects by using various IT project management tools and techniques.
The following ULOs are assessed in this assessment.
LO1 Demonstrate ability to skilfully manage projects by putting to effective use various IT
project management tools and techniques.
LO2 Critically analyse project parameters and identify the key processes from the available
project management book of knowledge in practical case scenarios.
In this assignment you will use the IT project management knowledge area and the tools used in project initiation and planning to prepare a project charter for the Case Study below. Make sure to analyse the project management parameters and identify the actors relevant to the case study and mention the project scope, constraints and assumptions.
For this assessment, you will prepare a project charter based on the business case given below. Your report should be limited to approx. 1000 words. Use 1.5 spacing with a 12 point Times New Roman font. You can use other sources to support your claims. Citation of sources is mandatory and must be in the IEEE style.
The project charter must include:
• Project Title.
• Background (Why is the project is undertaken? Describe an opportunity or problem that the project is to address.)
• Project Goal/s (Not more than 3)
• Project Scope (What will be the end result of the project?)
• Project scope description
• Product scope description
• Project and Product acceptance criteria
• Project deliverables
• Project exclusions
• Project constraints
• Project assumptions
• Project risks
• Key Stakeholders
• Project Milestones (Identify/assume the significant project milestones)
Submission Guidelines:
All submissions are to be submitted through turn-it-in. Drop-boxes linked to turn-it-in will be set up in the Unit of Study Moodle account. Assignments not submitted through these drop-boxes will not be considered. Submissions must be made by the due date and time (which will be in the session detailed above) and determined by your Unit coordinator. Submissions made after the due date and time will be penalized at the rate of 10% per day (including weekend days).
The turn-it-in similarity score will be used in determining the level if any of plagiarism. Turn-it-in will check conference websites, Journal articles, the Web and your own class member submissions for plagiarism. You can see your turn-it-in similarity score when you submit your assignment to the appropriate drop-box. If this is a concern you will have a chance to change your assignment and re- submit. However, re-submission is only allowed prior to the submission due date and time.
After the due date and time have elapsed you cannot make re-submissions and you will have to live with the similarity score as there will be no chance for changing. Thus, plan early and submit early to take advantage of this feature. You can make multiple submissions, but please remember we only see the last submission, and the date and time you submitted will be taken from that submission.
Business Case:
The centralized legal staff of an automotive manufacturer has determined that there is a need for an Ecommerce initiative to handle the invoicing transactions received by the legal staff and the law firms providing legal services on a contractual basis. The previous software application used for legal invoicing was no longer supported and there was a requirement to eliminate the manual intensive paper processing of invoices. In 2006, the AIMS software product was selected for legal invoicing for all North America legal staff.
The scope of the project is to implement a legal invoicing system that provides for electronic invoice delivery, management and workflow, allowing for online review, adjustment and approval of invoices and includes integration with the data management system for the legal case matter management. The current invoicing process is very manual and time consuming and the current invoicing process involves a high risk of human error (i.e., manual line item or other mathematical adjustments, manual changes to file format, etc). This project will employ the new electronic invoicing system to automatically load and audit all invoices and implement an easy, logical means for loading in paper invoice information. All paper invoices will be processed with the same transactions and processes of audit as electronic invoices.
The vision and shared objectives for AIMS include: Implement a web-based invoicing system Integrate
the invoicing system with the Case/Matter Management System Increase electronic invoice submission within the US (goal is 100% electronic submission) Allow Legal Finance (Fee Tracking Group) to maximize time on invoice analysis and reporting rather than invoice entry and routing Increase efficiency with automated workflow for attorneys Prepare for global usage of e-invoicing system Gain efficiency by providing one system for invoice delivery, management and approval.
The AIMS system will provide productivity and efficiency improvement to the legal staff to automatically check, modify, route for approval and process all invoices. There will also be an automated workflow increasing approval efficiency and provide outside counsel and vendors a means to check the status of an invoice that has been submitted to Legal Staff.
The AIMS architecture provides a secure network service between corporations and their contracted law firms to validate and deliver electronic business documents through the Internet using Object Management Architecture (OMA), which is built on the Microsoft .NET framework. This architecture can provide legal staff with a COTS solution that has a standard interface to other commercial legal applications and other corporate applications. The implementation of AIMS and integration with data management systems will provide legal staff with a totally COTS based solution for Electronic Data Interchange of Legal Invoicing Processing and a case matter management data base tracking, and reporting system. This architecture uses Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for the web based application interface to the user and a SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition Server for the database software.
The law firms and vendors will publish the invoices to the software vendor’s shared document repository, which will forward the specific legal invoices to the AIMS internal Server. Internal fee tracking users and legal staff will review, provide adjustments to invoices and approve invoices. The AIMS legal invoicing system will be a web-based COTS application. The system must provide a global solution for electronic approval, workflow and revision of legal invoices replacing all of the functionality within the existing legacy fee management system.
Marking Guide: 50 Marks
Task Description Marks
Project Overview Discuss why the project is undertaken, if it is a result of a problem or opportunity. And also, provide an overview of what the project is trying to accomplish. 05
Project Objectives Discuss what the project is trying to achieve and the business value it is meant to generate for the client organisation. 05
Project Scope Discuss scope items, exclusions, constraints, assumptions, and risks. 25
Key Stakeholders List all the individuals who are related to the project. 05
Project Milestones Identify or assume the significant events to complete the project. 05
References Should follow IEEE style 05
Marking Criteria
Mark HD
100 - 80 DI
79 - 70 CR
69 - 60 P
59 - 50 Fail
Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Background - Describe why the
project is undertaken. Students need to mention an opportunity or problem that the project is to address. Background has been understood and phrased very well. Background has been understood well but opportunity or problem is just fine. Background has been understood well but problem or opportunity presentation needs improvement Background has been understood but problem or opportunity has not been presented Background has not been clearly understood and not described.
Project Goal
State maximum three goal/s of the project. Three goals are stated very well and presented very well Three goals are stated Two goals are stated Only one goal is stated. No goal is stated
Project Scope Describe the end result of the project. All sections of the scope statement are written and presented very well All sections of the scope statement are address, but could be written well More than 5 sections of the scope statement are addressed. More than 3 sections of the scope statement are addressed None, one or two sections of the scope statement are addressed
Key Stakeholders
List all the individuals who are related to the project. All stakeholders are identified along with their roles Most stakeholders are identified along with their roles Some stakeholders are identified along with their roles Errors in identifying stakeholders and roles No stakeholders identified
Milestones Identify or assume the significant events to complete the project. All milestones are identified comprehensively Most milestones are identified Some milestones are identified A few milestones are identified No milestone is identified
Reference All references provided in IEEE style and in-text referencing is intact IEEE style is followed and few intext references are missing IEEE style is followed but most intext references are missing References are only provided finally in IEEE style; no intext ref