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Bridgette, a registered nurse, is being harassed by a male senior staff member, Alex. He constantly mocks her because she is overweight. Bridget works with Alex on a daily basis and he constantly make jokes and comments about the

Question 1

What are the Australian Privacy Principles and what do they cover?

Question 2

Provide an example to explain informed consent.

Question 3

Provide three examples of how you would protect client or customer information.

Question 4

  1. What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Who uses this?
  2. What is meant by ‘human needs’? What are the basic needs?
  3. What is meant by ‘human rights’?

Question 5

Bridgette, a registered nurse, is being harassed by a male senior staff member, Alex. He constantly mocks her because she is overweight. Bridget works with Alex on a daily basis and he constantly make jokes and comments about the quality of her work. He also mocks her when she has to do any physical tasks – saying she will probably have a heart attack because she is so fat. When an opportunity to take on a project comes up Alex tells Bridgette that she should not attempt to apply for it because she wouldn’t be fit enough to do the job.

  1. What legislation and policies are being breached?
  2. Describe an effective complaints management process that Bridgette could follow if she wanted to formally lodge a complaint. (Provide a step-by-step process.)

Question 6

  1. Describe the difference between a code of conduct and a code of practice.
    Code of conduct:
    Code of practice:
  2. Name two codes of practice that a health and community services worker would work under.

Question 7

80-year-old Mr Johnson has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and is rapidly declining in his overall state of health and wellbeing, although he is still able to function at a functional capacity. His doctors have informed Ellen, his daughter, that she needs to move him into a better care facility who are able to strictly monitor her father on a daily basis.

Ellen suggests this as an option to her father, however he is adamant that he can continue living in his own home with minor support. His doctors consider this unsafe for Mr Johnson, but he feels strongly about his decision and refuses to change his mind.

Ellen is not comfortable with her father’s decision and advises his doctors that he will be moving to the recommended facility the following Friday.

On the Friday morning Mr Johnson is taken unwillingly to the care facility.

Would you consider Ellen’s choices unlawful? Explain your answer.

Question 8

In the following table briefly describe each of the legal and ethical considerations, their importance in the health and community services area and a possible consequence of a breach of each.


Question 9

Harry is working in Home and Community Care. One of the clients, Arnold has taken a liking to Harry as he reminds him of his son. He often gives Harry small presents and has now offered to pay for a season ticket to the football (they both follow the same team).

What should Harry consider before he accepts this gift?

Question 10

  1. Describe the relationship between legal and ethical frameworks.
  2. Provide one example of a legal requirement
  3. Provide one example of an ethical requirement.

Question 11

A client discloses to you in confidence that they are considering harming another person. Are you obliged to keep this matter to yourself due to confidentiality requirements? Why or why not?

Question 12

Hilda comes into work very excited. ‘I’m so happy!’ she says, ‘I completed my Diploma of Community Services yesterday. I have been promised the certificate next week. Now I never have to study or learn anything new again!’

  1. Do you think Hilda is right – that she will never have to learn anything new again? Explain your answer.
  2. If Hilda wanted to continue with formal education to further her career in the community services industry, what are two other qualifications that Hilda could study