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Background: Often in Social Work practice, professionals are called on to develop a group. You may be given only a brief outline of the population and the issues and scopeof the group

Background: Often in Social Work practice, professionals are called on to develop a group. You may be given only a brief outline of the population and the issues and scopeof the group and asked to fill in the blanks to recommend the best practices in developing the actual group. You might begin with a review of literature (annotated bibliographyassignment) and look at the agency setting and policies to assure a good fit. You would want to consider the most likely problems facing this population and how to go from theory to developing and finally assessing the group’s function. This assignment is designed to help you practice these skills.Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to assess the student’s ability to digest information associated with best practices with groups, apply that information towards developing a group considering major consideration from assessment through termination, including the application of its design towards a specific problem and population. As stated above, Social Work professionals who are skilled in groups are sometimes called upon to assess an existing group or develop one from scratch. Having the ability to do this and base this work on best practices is a fundamental skill associated with professional group work.Learning Objectives:• Skills for group leadership; selection of ethical and research-supportedinterventions (EPAS 2.1.2A)• Skills for group facilitation and assessment of group process; selectionof group interventions based on research evidence (EPAS 2.1.3B)• Impact of the experiences of diverse and marginalized people andculture on group development (EPAS 2.1.4A)• Evidence-based group work practices (EPAS 2.1.6B)• Knowledge of the steps in group development (EPAS2.1.10A)

• Knowledge of evidence-based group work interventions(EPAS2.1.10G)Description:Three major themes to consider in this assignment:1) The paper should describe practice content that encompasses knowledge and leadership skills to work with a type of group.2) Content should be engaging and include assessment and implementingempirically based interventions designed to achieve client goals; applyingempirical knowledge and technological advances; evaluating program outcomes and practice effectiveness for the style of group you are using.3) The paper provides theoretical perspectives on the stages of group development from pre-group planning through termination, including the characteristics and themes of each group developmental stage.You will write a 3-5-page paper on working with groups in social work practice with a population-at-risk. You can pick the group style of your choice (i.e. support group, clinical group, advocacy group, educational group, mandatory groups, etc.). Social work practice content is anchored in the purposes of the social work profession and focuses on strengths, capacities, and resources of client systems in relation to their broader environments. The paper should describe practice content that encompasses knowledge and skills to work with groups. In addition, it will cover diversity and ethical concerns involved in this group method.This content should include steps in group development from planning through termination. It will include engaging clients in an appropriate working relationship, identifying issues, problems, needs, resources, and assets; collecting and assessing information; and planning for service delivery. It includes using communication skills, facilitation, supervision, consultation, and termination. Content shall also include identifying, analyzing, and implementing empirically based interventions designed to achieve client goals; applying empirical knowledge and evaluating program outcomes and practice effectiveness for the style of group you are using. Some groups are used fordeveloping, analyzing, advocating, and providing leadership for policies and services; and promoting social and economic justice.The objectives of this paper are to demonstrate use of evidence in developing appropriate intervention strategies while expanding on the knowledge and experience with groupwork practice acquired in the generalist foundation. The paper provides theoretical perspectives on the stages of group development from pre-group planning through termination, including the characteristics and themes of each stage, the issues likely to arise in each, and the implications for worker roles and interventions in each stage.Variables related to diverse populations should be emphasized as well as which situations are best suited for your selected group style.Begin with annotated articles from Annotated Bibliography assignment, and continuing that review of the literature, students will find at least 3 peer reviewed articles (total) to use to support their work; the two from the annotated bibliography and 1 more. The following journals represent a typical scholarly journal: Social Work, Social Work with

Groups; Journal of Family Social Work; Research on Social Work Practice; Journal ofSocial Services Research; Families in Society; Social Work Research; InternationalJournal of Group Psychotherapy; Child Welfare; Social Service Review; Health andSocial Work; Gerontology; Violence and Victims; Journal of Emotional Abuse or othersimilar journals related to social work. For this assignment, the class text may be used asone of these sources.Some examples of types of term papers are: Group work with high-risk teens, workingwith immigrant Hispanic families, Adoptees, birth mothers, Homeless families, Groupswith gay teens, foster children, working with single parent inner city African Americanmothers, Groups for children of divorce, Reminiscence groups with the elderly, singlefathers, Chemical abuse and/or dependency, etc.SUGGESTED TERM PAPER OUTLINEI. Title Page (does not count in total of pages)II. Introduction: Population targeted (be specific (E.g., homeless teens, breast cancersurvivors, domestic violence victims, substance abuse or court ordered groups,etc.)III. Literature Review (use a minimum of three scholarly journal articles)IV. Group process selected & reason for selecting processV. Methods of best practice with selected groupVI. Ethical concerns, Cultural diversity and influencesVII. Conclusion/SummaryVIII. Reference PageYou must use at least three references from professional journals or books.Your paper needs to be submitted through Canvas by the due date in the courseschedule.Late papers will not be accepted.Format-• Paper must be APA formatted, including a title page and reference page.• The paper is to be in 12-pt., Times New Roman font, 3-5 pages in length,not including title or reference pages.• The paper is expected to be high-quality work in terms of content,appearance, and writing style. Points will be deducted for misspellings,incorrect grammar, poor organization, incorrect usage of APA style,repetition of information, overuse of quotations, and lack of citations.Term papers are to be written in third person grammar.Process- Each student shall:• Pick a population and problem of interest.• Decide on the appropriate group style for this interest. 

Research your topic and find at least three articles associated with this topic. These articles must be peered reviewed.

Topic Kinship Support group

Will also give update week of November 13 for assignment.