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For your reaction papers, consider the themes discussed so far this semester: globalization, political economy, gender, poverty, social justice and social change, colonialism and decolonization, etc. In your papers you should respond to the documentary

For your reaction papers, consider the themes discussed so far this semester: globalization, political economy, gender, poverty, social justice and social change, colonialism and decolonization, etc. In your papers you should respond to the documentary’s discussion of the relationship between your perceptions of the causes of Central American migration
1 min read

Assessment 2 Instructions: Needs Analysis for Change Complete a systematic evaluation of a unit, facility, or organization with which you are familiar, in an attempt to identify the need to address the economic health care issue.

Assessment 2 Instructions: Needs Analysis for Change Complete a systematic evaluation of a unit, facility, or organization with which you are familiar, in an attempt to identify the need to address the economic health care issue. Instructions Be sure to address each main point. Review the assessment instructions and scoring
2 min read

This course examines the history of sports in America from the colonial period to the 1990s. Topics examined include games, team sports, urbanization, amateurism, professionalism, race, gender, industrialization, media, and many more

The Course:  This course examines the history of sports in America from the colonial period to the 1990s. Topics examined include games, team sports, urbanization, amateurism, professionalism, race, gender, industrialization, media, and many more. This course is a great deal of fun.  It offers insight into how sports have reflected
2 min read

Choose a senator and two representatives from the same state, and investigate the interest groups and individuals that contribute to these members.Go online to the Center for Responsive

Instructions Choose a senator and two representatives from the same state, and investigate the interest groups and individuals that contribute to these members. Go online to the Center for Responsive Politics website (opensecrets.org/), click on "Politicians and Elections," and search for the members that you chose. Examine the "Top

Read the following article from Wired magazine and consider the implications, both positive and negative, that such technology might have in people's lives. Ought we attempt to end pain? Is the only viable

Read the following article from Wired magazine and consider the implications, both positive and negative, that such technology might have in people's lives. Ought we attempt to end pain? Is the only viable response to human dis/ability or difference to eliminate it? If so, why? If not, why not?
7 min read

For your reaction papers, consider the themes discussed so far this semester: globalization, political economy, gender, poverty, social justice and social change, colonialism and decolonization, etc. In your papers you should respond to the documentary’s

For your reaction papers, consider the themes discussed so far this semester: globalization, political economy, gender, poverty, social justice and social change, colonialism and decolonization, etc. In your papers you should respond to the documentary’s discussion of the relationship between your perceptions of the causes of Central American migration
1 min read

Choose a product that you think illustrates the principles of supply and demand. It could be something like a Lamborghini that has a very limited supply and a great demand that makes it expensive. Or it could be something like a calculator that used t

Choose a product that you think illustrates the principles of supply and demand. It could be something like a Lamborghini that has a very limited supply and a great demand that makes it expensive. Or it could be something like a calculator that used to be very expensive but has
1 min read

Read the following article from Wired magazine and consider the implications, both positive and negative, that such technology might have in people's lives. Ought we attempt to end pain?

Read the following article from Wired magazine and consider the implications, both positive and negative, that such technology might have in people's lives. Ought we attempt to end pain? Is the only viable response to human dis/ability or difference to eliminate it? If so, why? If not, why not?
7 min read

For your reaction papers, consider the themes discussed so far this semester: globalization, political economy, gender, poverty, social justice and social change, colonialism and decolonization, etc.

For your reaction papers, consider the themes discussed so far this semester: globalization, political economy, gender, poverty, social justice and social change, colonialism and decolonization, etc. In your papers you should respond to the documentary’s discussion of the relationship between your perceptions of the causes of Central American migration
1 min read

Explanation of the interrelationship between your community/organization and the current health and fitness trend you are reporting on (supported by the research) How the implementation of your idea using the current trend/issue

Explanation of the interrelationship between your community/organization and the current health and fitness trend you are reporting on (supported by the research) How the implementation of your idea using the current trend/issue will benefit this community/organization (be sure to discuss the improvements to their health and fitness
2 min read

Locate and share a judicial or court employee or correctional employee code of conduct in the United States of America. Briefly describe the code of conduct. • Identify at least 2 specific items in the selected

• Locate and share a judicial or court employee or correctional employee code of conduct in the United States of America. Briefly describe the code of conduct. • Identify at least 2 specific items in the selected code of conduct and explain how they are relevant to laws, public policies, sentencing, and/
1 min read

The Effective Health Care Supervisor Charles R. McConnell the textbook as a source and an additional four sources. For this assignment, you will conduct research and write a paper about one prevalent

The Effective Health Care Supervisor Charles R. McConnell***Please include the textbook as a source and an additional four sources. For this assignment, you will conduct research and write a paper about one prevalent safety issue in hospitals. Examples include but are not limited to falls, medication errors, hospital-acquired infections,
1 min read

Describe the implementation of controls.)How will security be implemented in the Linux systems—both workstations and servers? (10.1.2: Gather project requirements to meet stakeholder needs.)End users have expressed some

Describe the implementation of controls.)How will security be implemented in the Linux systems—both workstations and servers? (10.1.2: Gather project requirements to meet stakeholder needs.)End users have expressed some concern about completing their day-to-day tasks on Linux. How would activities such as web browsing work? How
1 min read

How might your own personal beliefs regarding end-of-life care support or conflict with the wishes of a client? Evaluate any ambivalence you may experience. Discuss your vision for the perfect or ideal end of life?

End of Life Reflection Please answer the following questions to help with this reflection assignment. The paper should be 2-3-pages. You must use at least 3 of the sources in this module to support your statements. Note that points will be deducted for lack of supportive sources and/or improper
2 min read

Explanation of the interrelationship between your community/organization and the current health and fitness trend you are reporting on (supported by the research) How the implementation of your

Explanation of the interrelationship between your community/organization and the current health and fitness trend you are reporting on (supported by the research) How the implementation of your idea using the current trend/issue will benefit this community/organization (be sure to discuss the improvements to their health and fitness
2 min read

Explain the phenomena of battered spouse syndrome, intimate partner stalking, and elder abuse. (200-250 words)Explain the cycle of violence that occurs within intimate partner violence. (200-250 words)

Submit a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you address the following:Explain the phenomena of battered spouse syndrome, intimate partner stalking, and elder abuse. (200-250 words)Explain the cycle of violence that occurs within intimate partner violence. (200-250 words)Describe multicultural considerations you would take into account
1 min read

Read the following article from Wired magazine and consider the implications, both positive and negative, that such technology might have in people's lives. Ought we attempt to end pain? Is the only

Read the following article from Wired magazine and consider the implications, both positive and negative, that such technology might have in people's lives. Ought we attempt to end pain? Is the only viable response to human dis/ability or difference to eliminate it? If so, why? If not, why not?
7 min read

For your reaction papers, consider the themes discussed so far this semester: globalization, political economy, gender, poverty, social justice and social change, colonialism and decolonization, etc.

For your reaction papers, consider the themes discussed so far this semester: globalization, political economy, gender, poverty, social justice and social change, colonialism and decolonization, etc. In your papers you should respond to the documentary’s discussion of the relationship between your perceptions of the causes of Central American migration
1 min read

Benchmark Assessment Description Review your problem or issue and the cultural assessment. Consider how the findings connect to your topic and intervention for your capstone change project. Write a list of three to five objectives

Benchmark Assessment Description Review your problem or issue and the cultural assessment. Consider how the findings connect to your topic and intervention for your capstone change project. Write a list of three to five objectives for your proposed intervention. Below each objective, provide a one or two sentence rationale. After
2 min read

Budgeting and Money Management Course Objective: Develop a personal budget. Assignment Instructions: Using the Attached Personal Monthly Budget Excel Template (and the Budget video) hyperlinked in the resources area,

Budgeting and Money Management Course Objective: Develop a personal budget. Assignment Instructions: Using the Attached Personal Monthly Budget Excel Template (and the Budget video) hyperlinked in the resources area, create a monthly personal record of your personal or family income (all money coming in) and expenses (money going out) by
2 min read

1. Assessment Description Post a draft of your PICOT question. This should be the same question you are using in your research paper. Give and receive feedback to refine your PICOT question.

1.   Assessment Description Post a draft of your PICOT question. This should be the same question you are using in your research paper. Give and receive feedback to refine your PICOT question. 2   Assessment Description Explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative data. Benchmark - Capstone Change Project Objectives

Assessment Traits Requires Lopeswrite Assessment Description Students are required to submit weekly journal entries throughout the course. These reflective narratives help students identify important learning events that happen throughout

Assessment Traits Requires Lopeswrite Assessment Description Students are required to submit weekly journal entries throughout the course. These reflective narratives help students identify important learning events that happen throughout the course and the practicum. In each week's entry, students should reflect on the personal knowledge and skills gained. Write a
1 min read

Group therapy can be very beneficial for clients. In fact, research has shown that for many clients, group therapy is as effective as individual therapy. Members of groups are not only able to influence change within one

Group therapy can be very beneficial for clients. In fact, research has shown that for many clients, group therapy is as effective as individual therapy. Members of groups are not only able to influence change within one another, but they are often able to more easily relate to the guidance
1 min read