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This final assignment is the culmination of the research paper and a continuation of the first two assignments. Specifically, you will finish your research paper and provide your analysis in a fully completed project.

Introduction This final assignment is the culmination of the research paper and a continuation of the first two assignments.  Specifically, you will finish your research paper and provide your analysis in a fully completed project. Content Your paper will contain: 1)  All previous sections were turned in with Assignment #1
1 min read

Students will work individually to research one historical, political, or cultural topic related to First Nations peoples and provide the historical and social context of the topic.

Due Friday of Week 4 by 8pm AEST/AEDT. The assessment is to be submitted online via the CloudDeakin dropbox. Students will work individually to research one historical, political, or cultural topic related to First Nations peoples and provide the historical and social context of the topic. Students will also
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Reflecting on the Hike Discussion Topic • Go on a hike (i.e., walk on terrain other than pavement/sidewalks/roads) • Bring at least 1 friend/family member! • Track your steps if you have a Fitbit, apple watch or iPhone.

1.Reflecting on the Hike Discussion Topic • Go on a hike (i.e., walk on terrain other than pavement/sidewalks/roads) • Bring at least 1 friend/family member! • Track your steps if you have a Fitbit, apple watch or iPhone. • Where did you go on your hike? • How many hiking
2 min read

Task 1 of 2 – Presentation and Briefing Report HRM Prepare a 15-minute presentation and accompanying brief that will be presented to the Organisation's Board of Directors. Your presentation with speaker notes and a briefing report should:

Task 1 of 2 – Presentation and Briefing Report Prepare a 15 minutes presentation and accompanying brief that will be presented to the Organisation's Board of Directors. Your presentation with speaker notes and a briefing report should: • Explain the importance of Strategic Human Resource Management (HRM) and how you could add
1 min read

HR professionals are key participants and agents in supporting an organization's diversity and inclusion efforts. They must understand the importance of the process of implementing diversity

HR professionals are key participants and agents in supporting an organization's diversity and inclusion efforts. They must understand the importance of the process of implementing diversity and development initiatives. For this week's assignment, you are asked to develop an informative poster presentation for an existing or hypothetical company. Focus on
1 min read

You have been writing about the company TechGen for the last weeks Using course work and making corrections from the weekly feedback on previous assignments, you will add segment H and compile the References page.

You have been writing about the company TechGen for the last weeks Using course work and making corrections from the weekly feedback on previous assignments, you will add segment H and compile the References page. Your final submission will include all segments from Units 1-5. Your Unit 5 submission is

At the end of each module, you are challenged to demonstrate your integrated knowledge of the week's material by putting course resources and discussion into thoughtful conversation with your own life and the life of the

At the end of each module, you are challenged to demonstrate your integrated knowledge of the week's material by putting course resources and discussion into thoughtful conversation with your own life and the life of the world. Remember that your goals are to demonstrate that you understand and are applying
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Week 5 Assignment - COSO's Internal Control Framework Select a company, small or large, whose practices you will review. You may alternatively use a company you would like to start.In a p

Week 5 Assignment - COSO's Internal Control Framework Select a company, small or large, whose practices you will review. You may alternatively use a company you would like to start.In a paper of 4–5 pages: 1. Evaluate the company's practices against COSO's internal control frameworks. If you chose
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Scholarly Article Annotation By the due date assigned, post your annotated bibliography entry for a scholarly article to the discussion area. By the end of the week, respond to your classmates

Scholarly Article Annotation By the due date assigned, post your annotated bibliography entry for a scholarly article to the discussion area. By the end of the week, respond to your classmates’ posts with your feedback, questions, and suggestions. For this assignment, find a scholarly article on your Week 4 short
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University of Phoenix Five Factor Trait Theory- Select 2 leaders (political, corporate, and athletic leaders are all appropriate) of your choice. One leader should be someone that you

Five-Factor Trait Theory Assignment Content 1. Select 2 leaders (political, corporate, and athletic leaders are all appropriate) of your choice. One leader should be someone that you are drawn to or root for and the second leader should be someone that you dislike or root against.Research both selected leaders.
1 min read

Select 2 leaders (political, corporate, and athletic leaders are all appropriate) of your choice. One leader should be someone that you are drawn to or root for and the secon

Assignment Content Select 2 leaders (political, corporate, and athletic leaders are all appropriate) of your choice. One leader should be someone that you are drawn to or root for and the second leader should be someone that you dislike or root against. Note: You cannot choose President Trump, President Biden,
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Select a problem or question that needs answering by drawing from science-based aspects of your personal life or your professional life. This problem or question will form

Part I Select a problem or question that needs answering by drawing from science-based aspects of your personal life or your professional life. This problem or question will form the foundation on which you will build your subsequent assignments in this course. 1. First determine and explain the purpose of
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Detailed report that describe the problem and discuss how systems dynamic modelling can be used to improve our understanding of the ways in which an organization's performance is related

Part A: Q1.Detailed report that describe the problem and discuss how systems dynamic modelling can be used to improve our understanding of the ways in which an organization's performance is related to its internal structure and operations policies, including those of customers, competitors, and suppliers and then to use
1 min read

Part 1: Project Integration Management After living in their house since 1982 in Mississauga, ON, the Baker family decided to finish the lower level of their house and eventually let it for short term rentals through Airbnb

IT Project Management using PMP INFO20172 Term Project Description Term Project – INFO20172 (Summer 2023) CASE STUDY: Finishing the basement Part 1: Project Integration Management After living in their house since 1982 in Mississauga, ON, the Baker family decided to finish the lower level of their house and eventually let it
6 min read

Following group discussions, individually write a 1,200-word report that discusses the strengths, weaknesses, similarities, and contrasts of PMBoK and PRINCE2 or Agile in contemporary projects.

Task Summary Following group discussions, individually write a 1,200-word report that discusses the strengths, weaknesses, similarities, and contrasts of PMBoK and PRINCE2 or Agile in contemporary projects. Context There are several project management methodologies and approaches that are used in contemporary project management. Among these are PMBoK, PRINCE2, Waterfall,
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In industry, teams use milestones to present the progress of their work to their clients, receive feedback and make the required updates. For the two milestones in this assessment

Assessment Task In industry, teams use milestones to present the progress of their work to their clients, receive feedback and make the required updates. For the two milestones in this assessment, you will present your written progress and verbally update your facilitator about what your team has done and what
8 min read

The purpose of the group system analysis and design project is to demonstrate students’ability to apply the knowledge learned in this course to a real-world project.

Purpose The purpose of the group system analysis and design project is to demonstrate students’ability to apply the knowledge learned in this course to a real-world project. Assessment Description The system analysis and design project must be realistic and it will be done using techniques covered in this course.
2 min read

In this assessment task, you are required to demonstrate your understanding of the factors contributing to the success of IT professionals in stakeholder engagemen

Get TECH1100 Professional Practice and Communication Assignment Help Assessment 1 Information Subject Code:TECH1100Subject Name:Professional Practice and CommunicationAssessment Title:Factors of success for IT professionalsAssessment Type:Individual Email Report EvaluationLength:1500 wordsWeighting:30%Total Marks:30Submission:MyKBSDue Date:Week 4 Your Task Your first assessment in this subject requires
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Create and provide a Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD). The Level 0 DFD should contain all the major high-level processes of the System and should show how these processes are interrelated/interacting.

Task Summary Based on your responses to questions in Assessment 1, perform process and data modelling and develop and document a number of design diagrams including context diagram, level 0 and level 1 data flow diagram and entity relationship diagram. Context In Assessment 1, you performed a comprehensive requirement analysis
3 min read

Question 1. Packet Capture and Analysis [8 marks] For this question you must use virtnet (as used in the tutorials) to perform an interception attack. This assumes you have already setup and are familiar

COIT20262 – Advanced Network Security, Term 2, 2023 Assignment 1 Questions Due date:11:45 pm Friday 25 August 2023 (Week 6)ASSESSMENTWeighting:35%1Length:N/A Instructions Attempt all questions. This is an individual assignment, and it is expected students answer the questions themselves. Discussion of approaches to solving questions
7 min read

You are a Network and Security Engineer for the NetSol Consulting Private Limited, which is a leading network and security provider for the small and medium scaled offices

Assignment Specifications You are a Network and Security Engineer for the NetSol Consulting Private Limited, which is a leading network and security provider for the small and medium scaled offices. Task 1: The company is utilizing a layer-by-layer approach to implement the security. Using your expert knowledge on TCP/IP
2 min read