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Dr. Mazyck describes how PIN is applied at a leadership level. The first step for advance practice registered nurses (APRNs) is to reflect on their ow

In Nursing 500, you completed a reflection assignment on your professional identity in nursing (PIN). In Professional Identity in Nursing Download Professional Identity in Nursing Download Professional Identity in Nursing Download Professional Identity in Nursing, Dr. Mazyck describes how PIN is applied at a leadership level. The first step for
1 min read

You work in the L&D team of a large, successful manufacturing organisation. Much of the success of the organisation is due to the ongoing development

Task One – Written responses to questions This task seeks to assess your knowledge and understanding of advances in digital learning and development. To complete the task, you should read the scenario below and respond to the instructions. Scenario You work in the L&D team of a large, successful manufacturing
6 min read

Critically analyse knowledge of commonly encountered mental, physical, health conditions, to inform nursing assessment and the development and review

HS3017 Developing Advanced Knowledge and Skills for Professional Practice Programme Name: BSc Nursing Module Name: Developing Advanced Knowledge and Skills for Professional Practice Module Code: HS3017 Module Credits: 15 Year of Study: 2023/2024 Level: 6   Assessment Name: 2000-word critical evaluation of two advancing nursing skills Assessment Weighting: Essay: 100%
7 min read

Module Code: FE7061QA Module Title: International Logistics Summative Assessment 2 Essay Word limit: 1,500 words Assessment 2 Tasks Students will have

Module Code: FE7061QA Module Title: International Logistics Summative Assessment 2 Essay Word limit: 1,500 words Assessment 2 Tasks Students will have a research topic and a list of citable academic literature from assessment 1. Individually, you will now create a research question by taking the research topic from assessment
1 min read

What are the key virtual leadership practices that significantly influence team performance in remote work environments. How do servant leadership pri

Module Code : MN7000A Module Title : Leading and Developing People Summative Assessment 1 Research Proposal Assessment Tasks This assessment encourages students to carry out independent applied research into a specified topic, theory or issue related to Leadership and Business organisations in the UK or around the world using a literature review
1 min read

Ellie, who lives in Paris, emailed Memoona -an acquaintance who owns an art gallery in London- a picture of an old painting which was left to her by h

Module Code: GMDGBS206 Module Title: International Business Law Written assignment (scenarios) : 3000 words The Summative Assessment will be composed by three scenarios that will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of analysis of corporate internationalisation and the challenges of operating across borders. Part 1: The below scenarios will align with
3 min read

Choose ONE organisation from the list of Multinational Companies (MNC’s) provided below: List of Multinational Companies Apple British Airways IKE

Module Code : GBEN4004 Module Title : Introduction to Strategic Management Individual Written Report : 2,500 words 2500 Words | Mark 100%) (LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4) Individual Report  Choose ONE organisation from the list of Multinational Companies (MNC’s) provided below: List of Multinational Companies * Apple * British Airways * IKEA * Uber Write a 2,
1 min read

You are required to research, write, and post contributions to the class discussion board in the first four weeks of the module from this (recommended

Module Code : BMA6106 Module Title : New Trends in Management Assessment1: Approx.3000 words, -/+10% (Individual). Assessment 2: Group seminar recorded (3-5 members per group). Component 1 Individual Contribution to Discussion Board & Reflective Summary (3000 words) Overview of task: You are required to research, write, and post contributions to the
1 min read

Module Title: Contemporary Business Environment Maximum word count: 2000 words Assignment Task The assessment will take the form of a company appraisa

Module Code: BUS4010 Module Title: Contemporary Business Environment Maximum word count: 2000 words Assignment Task The assessment will take the form of a company appraisal by searching international businesses of your choice with accessible corporate site resources to fulfil the needs of the assignment. You should research widely using a
1 min read

Module Code: BTM5IRM Module Title: Introduction to Research methods Assignment type: Critical Review Word-Count: 4000 words Assignment Requirements St

Module Code: BTM5IRM Module Title: Introduction to Research methods Assignment type: Critical Review Word-Count: 4000 words Assignment Requirements 1. Students are required to start developing Critical Literature Review, which is the first part of their research proposal for Level 6. 2. Students will independently select their research field, aligning it
1 min read

Analysis and evaluation of a range of soft and digital skills, knowledge and competencies required for a chosen career goal within the modern and digi

Module Code: BUS4009 Module Title: Digital Skills and Professional Development Assignment type: Self-assessment and PDP Maximum word count: 2000 words Assignment Task This is a single assignment that comprises two tasks. Task One Analysis and evaluation of a range of soft and digital skills, knowledge and competencies required for a
1 min read

In your groups, you will choose a topic or an idea relevant to international logistics or supply chain and find TWO academic articles on this topic th

Module Code: FE7061A Module Title: International Logistics Summative Assessment 1 : Group Presentation Minimum 5 slides, maximum 12 slides Assessment Tasks In your groups, you will choose a topic or an idea relevant to international logistics or supply chain and find TWO academic articles on this topic that do not fully

Choose one of the following events to organize: Community Book Fair: Bringing together authors, publishers, and readers for a celebration of literatu

Module Title: Delivering Successful projects Component 1 : Group Presentation Assignment Brief Choose one of the following events to organize: * Community Book Fair: Bringing together authors, publishers, and readers for a celebration of literature. * Outdoor Fitness Festival: Promoting health and wellness with fitness classes, nutrition workshops, and interactive activities. * Art and
1 min read

You are tasked with examining the influence of both micro and macroeconomic environments on businesses, using relevant economic theory, real-world exa

Module Title: Global Business and Economics Component 1 : Group Report Words : 2500 Assignment Task: This assignment requires you to explore the impact of microeconomic and macroeconomic factors on business operations, decision-making, and strategies. You are tasked with examining the influence of both micro and macroeconomic environments on businesses, using relevant
1 min read

Module Title : Delivering Successful Projects Component 2 : Individual Project Report Project Report -1500 words Assignment This assignment focuses on

Module Title : Delivering Successful Projects Component 2 : Individual Project Report Project Report -1500 words Assignment This assignment focuses on the theoretical foundations of projects and project management, requiring you to analyse and discuss key concepts independently. You will explore the meaning of a ‘project’ and ‘project management’ using both the
1 min read

Describe some community services which are available in the UK to address the health inequality challenges experienced by social groups in your chosen

Module Code: HWSC5001 Module Title : Equality and Social Justice in Health, Illness, and Society Introduction to the case study * Title slide with the title of your presentation and information about the Module title, group members, such names * Slide introducing your chosen case study (i.e. South Asian Community, Type 2
2 min read

The Board of Directors require you to undertake an investment appraisal to assess the financial viability of the project, making a recommendation to i

Module Code: HSPV5W-15-5 Module Title: Accounting Information for Business Component 1 : Tri-sport – Capital Investment Appraisal Task one The Board of Directors require you to undertake an investment appraisal to assess the financial viability of the project, making a recommendation to invest or not. * The Board of Directors expects a report
1 min read

You are required to write an individual 2,500-word portfolio, based on a choice of your organisation. The aim of this portfolio will be to evaluate a

Module code : GBEN4005 Module title : Entrepreneurial Organisations Portfolio : 2,500 words Assignment Task You are required to write an individual 2,500-word portfolio, based on a choice of your organisation. The aim of this portfolio will be to evaluate and assess the fundamental characteristics of entrepreneurial organisations. You will be
2 min read

Identify at least two academic and at least two professional individuals or teams to collaborate with to be successful in your MSN program and as a pr

Consider individuals, departments, teams, and/or resources within Walden University and within your profession that you believe can support your academic and professional success. Identify at least two academic and at least two professional individuals, colleagues, or teams that might help you succeed in your MSN program and as a
1 min read

Part 1 Determine how health care technology, the coordination of care, and the use of community resources can be applied to address the patient, famil

In a 5–7 page written assessment, determine how health care technology, coordination of care, and community resources can be applied to address the patient, family, or population problem you’ve defined. In addition, plan to spend approximately 2 direct practicum hours exploring these aspects of the problem with the
2 min read

Module Title : Organising and Managing across Cultures Module Assignment 1 – Group Presentation Group presentation on the topic allocated to you in

Module Code : HR6055QA Module Title : Organising and Managing across Cultures Module Assignment 1 – Group Presentation Group presentation on the topic allocated to you in class You will be asked to work in a multi-cultural team with two or three other students from your seminar group. Each team would be randomly
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