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As consumers become increasingly aware of sustainable practices, as many as 70% of companies worldwide are starting to integrate formal sustainability policies into their business practices

As consumers become increasingly aware of sustainable practices, as many as 70% of companies worldwide are starting to integrate formal sustainability policies into their business practices (McKinsey & Company, 2017). These policies generally focus on the company’s effect on the environment and society (Spiliakos, 2018).
TASK: Choose an Engineering company or business (real or fictional) in a particular country.
Discuss the importance of sustainability and other significant contemporary business issues for corporate leaders and managers, and analyse how these issues may impact organisational strategies, structures, and processes in the chosen company or business in the coming years.
This is an individual assessment, comprising of an individual written report of approximately 2000 words.
The title of your report should be: Contemporary Business Issues for [Company/Business] in [Country].
Your report should include:
• Title page
• Executive Summary
• Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Sections (and sub-sections) with numbered headings
• Conclusion
• References
Report Formatting:
• Type your work on A4 paper
• 1.5 line spacing, 2.5cm margin at top and bottom of page, and on right-hand and left-hand sides.
• Times New Roman, 11 point font for text (12 point font for headings, if you like).
Don't forget that there are some great resources available to help you with your report writing. Refer to the weekly Academic Skills modules and the Learning Support information on the Home page.
McKinsey & Company. (2017, December 11). Sustainability’s deepening imprint. https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/sustainability/our-insights/sustainabilitys-deepening-imprintLinks to an external site.
Spiliakos, A. (2018, October 10). What does “sustainability” mean in business? Harvard Business School Online. https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/what-is-sustainability-in-businessLinks to an external site