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[ANSWERED 2023] Scientists perform an experiment in which they create an artificial cell with a selectively permeable membrane through which only wate

Scientists perform an experiment in which they create an artificial cell with a selectively permeable membrane through

Scientists perform an experiment in which they create an artificial cell with a selectively permeable membrane through which only water can pass


  1. In previous units, you learned that a word ending in the suffix -ase is often an enzyme. Some snake venom contains the enzyme phospholipase. This enzyme is dangerous to human cells because it would break down the:
cell wall.
cell membrane.

>4 points   

>4 points   

4 points   


  1. Consider a cell is in a solution containing 1% NaCl, 5% glucose, and 94% water. The interior of the cell contains .5% NaCl, 0% glucose and 99.5% water. The cell membrane is impermeable to NaCl. What will have to occur in order for equilibrium to be established?
Water will move out of the cell.
Water will move into the cell.
NaCl will move into the cell.
Water and glucose will move into the cell.
Water and NaCl will move into the cell.

>4 points   

>4 points   

4 points   


  1. What process occurs when a white blood cell “eats” a bacterium?
passive transport.

>4 points   

>4 points   

4 points   


  1. Scientists perform an experiment in which they create an artificial cell with a selectively permeable membrane through which only water can pass. They inject a 7 M solution of glucose into the cell and then place the cell into a beaker of pure water. After an hour, what effect do you expect to observe?
Water moves out of the cell
Glucose moves out of the cell
No net change in cell weight
Water moves into the cell
Glucose moves into the cell

>4 points   

>4 points   

4 points   


  1. The interlocking mechanism of a Zip-Lock bag that blocks substances from leaving the bag, would most closely resemble which of the following cell junctions?
Tight junctions
Focal adhesions
Gap junctions

>4 points   

>4 points   

4 points   


  1. Match the following cell structure to the correct definition.
Generates ATP in all eukaryotic cells [K]
Cell supporting structures [F]
Digests worn out cell particles [C]
Site of protein synthesis [E]
Command center of the cell [I]
Allow for locomotion of a cell [H]
Contain catalase, which breaks down hydrogen peroxide   [J]
Stores water in plant cells
The post office of the cell
Semifluid matrix
A. Ribosome
B. Cytoplasm
C. Lysosomes
D. Golgi apparatus
E. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
F. Cytoskeleton
G. Central vacuole
H. Flagella
I. Nucleus
J. Peroxisomes
K. Mitochondria
L. Chloroplasts

>50 points   

50 points   


  1. You found an organism in your yard and you are trying to figure out what type of organism it is. First, you have to determine if it is a eukaryote or a prokaryote. What characteristics would you look for to classify your organism?Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

QUESTION 810 points   

  1. Pretend you determined the organism in the previous question was a eukaryote. Explain how you would determine if the organism is a plant or animal?Your response must be at least 75 words in length. 10 points   


  1. Before people started questioning what they saw, it was assumed that since frogs hop out of ponds, frogs must come from mud. We now know this is a myth. Use your knowledge of the cell theory to explain why this is a myth.Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

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What Is Osmosis in Biology?

Have you ever wondered how water and other substances move through living organisms? The process responsible for this phenomenon is called osmosis. Osmosis is a fundamental concept in biology that plays a crucial role in various biological processes, including the absorption of nutrients, the regulation of cell volume, and the maintenance of fluid balance in living organisms.

In this article, we will explore the concept of osmosis, its underlying principles, and its significance in biological systems.


1. Introduction

Biology is a fascinating field that explores the intricate processes of life. One such process that is vital for the survival of all living organisms is osmosis. Osmosis refers to the movement of solvent molecules, usually water, from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration through a semipermeable membrane.

2. Definition of Osmosis

Osmosis can be defined as the spontaneous net movement of solvent molecules across a semipermeable membrane to equalize solute concentrations on both sides. The solvent, usually water, moves from an area of lower solute concentration, known as hypotonic solution, to an area of higher solute concentration, known as hypertonic solution.

This movement continues until equilibrium is reached.

Osmosis works

3. How Osmosis Works

Osmosis occurs due to the random motion of water molecules. The direction of water movement is determined by the relative concentrations of solute particles on either side of the membrane. When there is a difference in solute concentration, water molecules will move across the membrane to dilute the higher concentration and equalize the concentration on both sides.

4. Osmotic Pressure

Osmotic pressure is the pressure exerted by the movement of water molecules during osmosis. It is influenced by the concentration gradient and temperature. The greater the concentration difference, the higher the osmotic pressure. Osmotic pressure plays a crucial role in various biological processes, such as the absorption of water by plant roots and the regulation of blood pressure in animals.


5. Osmolarity and Tonicity

Osmolarity refers to the concentration of solute particles in a solution, expressed in moles per liter (mol/L). Tonicity, on the other hand, describes the effect of a solution on the osmotic movement of water. A solution can be classified as isotonic, hypotonic, or hypertonic based on its tonicity in comparison to another solution or a cell.

6. Osmosis in Plant Cells

In plant cells, osmosis plays a vital role in maintaining turgidity, which is the firmness and rigidity of plant tissues. When plant cells are placed in a hypotonic solution, water enters the cell through osmosis, causing the cell to become turgid. This turgor pressure provides structural support to the plant and prevents wilting.

7. Osmosis in Animal Cells

>animal cells

Animal cells also rely on osmosis for various functions. However, animal cells are more sensitive to changes in tonicity. When animal cells are placed in a hypotonic solution, water enters the cell, causing it to swell and potentially burst. Conversely, when animal cells are placed in a hypertonic solution, water leaves the cell, leading to cell shrinkage and dehydration.

8. Osmosis in Human Physiology

Osmosis plays a crucial role in maintaining fluid balance within the human body. The movement of water across cell membranes ensures the proper functioning of cells and tissues. For example, osmosis regulates the hydration of red blood cells, allowing them to maintain their shape and carry out oxygen transport effectively.

9. Osmosis and Kidney Function

The kidneys are essential organs responsible for filtering waste products and maintaining the body’s water and electrolyte balance. Osmosis plays a significant role in kidney function by allowing the reabsorption of water and essential nutrients while removing waste products through the formation of urine.

10. Osmosis and Cellular Transport

Osmosis is closely linked to other cellular transport processes, such as diffusion and active transport. These processes work together to ensure the proper movement of substances across cell membranes, enabling cells to function optimally.

11. Factors Affecting Osmosis

Several factors influence the rate and direction of osmosis. These include the concentration gradient, temperature, surface area, and thickness of the membrane. Understanding these factors is essential in various biological and medical applications.

12. Importance of Osmosis in Biological Systems

Paramount importance

Osmosis is of paramount importance in biological systems. It allows for the transport of nutrients, the maintenance of cell shape and volume, the regulation of osmotic pressure, and the overall functioning of living organisms. Without osmosis, life as we know it would not be possible.

13. Osmosis in Medical Applications

The concept of osmosis finds practical applications in the medical field. Osmosis is utilized in drug delivery systems, where controlled release of medication occurs through semipermeable membranes. Additionally, osmosis plays a role in medical procedures such as dialysis, which involves the removal of waste products from the blood using a semipermeable membrane.

14. Osmosis and Water Purification

Osmosis is also utilized in water purification processes, specifically through a method known as reverse osmosis. Reverse osmosis involves forcing water through a semipermeable membrane to remove impurities and contaminants, producing clean and safe drinking water.


In conclusion, osmosis is a fundamental process in biology that governs the movement of water and other solutes across semipermeable membranes. It is essential for the survival and proper functioning of living organisms. Understanding osmosis provides insights into various biological processes and has practical applications in fields such as medicine and water purification.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Q: Can you provide a simple example of osmosis in everyday life?
    • A: Sure! An example of osmosis in everyday life is when you soak a raisin in water. The water molecules move into the raisin through osmosis, causing it to swell and become plump.
  2. Q: How does osmosis differ from diffusion?
    • A: While osmosis specifically refers to the movement of solvent molecules, usually water, across a semipermeable membrane, diffusion involves the movement of any type of molecule from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration.
  3. Q: How does osmosis affect the growth of plant roots?
    • A: Osmosis is vital for the absorption of water and nutrients by plant roots. The movement of water into the root cells through osmosis helps maintain turgidity, which supports the growth and overall health of the plant.
  4. Q: Can osmosis be harmful to cells?
    • A: Yes, osmosis can be harmful to cells if they are exposed to extreme tonicity conditions. For example, when animal cells are placed in a hypotonic solution, they may burst due to excessive water entry.
  5. Q: Is osmosis only relevant in biological systems?
    • A: While osmosis is primarily associated with biological systems, its principles also find applications in various fields, including chemistry, physics, and engineering.

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[answered 2023] scientists perform

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