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Andy is a 35-year-old accountant who loves working overtime and has also set up his own business. He is 6 feet 2 inches tall, weighs 250 pounds, smokes cigarettes, and drin

Capstone Assignment

NTR 1010: Introductory Nutrition

There are 2 parts to this assignment. Together, they are designed to allow you to show off all that you have learned in the course this semester about how nutrition, genetics and lifestyle correlate to our overall health and risk of chronic diseases.  The second part allows you to objectively decipher credible information from quackery, especially as it relates to weight management.

Generally speaking, your answers should include specific details, information from the textbook or other credible sources, and should answer the question completely. Another way to think about it: your answers should be answers that you could not have written at the beginning of the course.

One last note: this is a long and complex assignment. Please make sure you set aside time to work on it over multiple days in order to minimize your stress and maximize your grade.

Part 1: Nutrition and Chronic Disease (up to 60 points)

Consider the following scenario:

Andy is a 35-year-old accountant who loves working overtime and has also set up his own business. He is 6 feet 2 inches tall, weighs 250 pounds, smokes cigarettes, and drinks alcohol (about 3 drinks every night). He has no time to cook and orders take-out a lot.  He does not take the time to exercise. He recently had his annual physical exam and discovered that his A1C was 6.0%, which makes him prediabetic. His blood pressure was 140/90. His father was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes 2 years ago. Now Andy is ready to modify his diet and lifestyle choices.

Question A

Course Outcome #7.Determine the risk for chronic diseases through analysis of various factors.

Complete Andy’s Chronic Disease Risk Assessment by completing the table below. Consult your textbook, particularly Chapter 11.  (10 points)



1.Based on Andy’s scenario , what are his  risk factors for chronic disease?

Name 6 risk factors.







2. Which Chronic Disease(s) is Andy at risk for?

Name 4 Diet-related Chronic Diseases.









Question B

Course Outcome #3: Compare the nutritional value of eating habits to current Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) recommendations.
Review Andy’s intake vs. goals report for the following significant nutrients. Complete all sections of the table below (20 points)

Significant Nutrients

DRI Recommendation

Was the Actual Intake

Too high? 

Too Low?

As Recommended?

Explain how are these nutrients are important in the promotion or prevention of Chronic Disease









Saturated Fat




Vitamin D
















Question C

Course Outcome #2: Relate the importance of nutrition to the prevention of a variety of health problems: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity.

Develop a healthier meal plan for Andy. Refer to any of the meal patterns from Appendix E of your text. USDA, DASH, Vegetarian, or  Mediterranean.  (30 points)

1. Create a profile for Andy within the D&W+ (Click the down arrow beside your name and create a new profile. Name the new profile Andy)

  1. Enter breakfast, lunch, and dinner. You may add snacks if you like. Don’t forget beverages.
  2. Make sure your total calories for Andy’s day are between 2000 and 2200.
  3. Your goal is to make the significant nutrients listed above in the recommended DRI level .
  4. Upload new Intake vs Goals and Food Log reports (refer to chapter 1 assignment about uploading reports) for this one-day healthy menu. Attach these 2 reports and table to the Canvas (submit your Capstone Here) section for grading.

Complete the table below comparing Andy’s original nutrient intake to the nutrients in your new menu. (30 points)

Significant Nutrients


Original nutrient intake

Andy’s New nutrient intake

Was the New Intake

Too high?

Too Low?

Met DRI?

Per Andy’s new intake, State 1 nutrition-related condition that you can prevent.

Do not repeat the disease more than twice.

From the Food log,

list 4 foods from your new menu that lowered his risk for chronic disease(s).















Saturated Fat





Vitamin D




















Part 2: Evaluating Nutrition Advertising (up to 40 points)

Course Outcome #6: Evaluate the accuracy and scientific soundness of media statements about nutrition.

Consider the following advertisement:

Lose weight fast! Lose up to 2 pounds a day, 15 pounds a week, 60 pounds a month!! This rapid weight loss ensures that you will only lose fat, not muscle.

It’s so simple and easy! You just cut your calorie intake to 800 each day, by cutting out all dairy, wheat, and sugar. Several doctors and scientists say this healthy, nutritional diet plan is one you can live with as long as you want to.

You will slim down in no time and look like a red-carpet celebrity.

If you order in the next 30 days, we will send you our special weight loss powder to burn fat and increase muscles.

Not sure if you believe it? Click the link below to see testimonials from dozens of satisfied customers. Once you try our diet, we will be pleased to offer you the opportunity to post a review. Every review you post, earns a $10 gift card.

Using information from chapters 1 and 9, identify ways in which this diet plan resembles nutrition quackery and is likely to be an ineffective method of weight loss.

For full credit, please provide:

A.     Six specific earmarks of Nutrition Quackery that applies to this diet plan advertisement.  (See Fig C1-1)

Earmarks of Quackery (As written in Textbook)

Evidence (copy and paste text from the scenario above)













B.     Based on your reading in chapter 9, develop a more credible advertisement with 6 effective and specific strategies to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight. Limit your advertisement to 50-100 words.