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Analysis and evaluation of a range of soft and digital skills, knowledge and competencies required for a chosen career goal within the modern and digi

Module Code: BUS4009

Module Title: Digital Skills and Professional Development

Assignment type: Self-assessment and PDP

Maximum word count: 2000 words

Assignment Task

This is a single assignment that comprises two tasks.

Task One

Analysis and evaluation of a range of soft and digital skills, knowledge and competencies required for a chosen career goal within the modern and digitalised workplace. Try to follow the structure below.

  • Briefly discuss, with the appropriate underpinning, how recent changes driven by Industry 4.0 so digitalisation, business automation innovation diffusion, etc. impacted a chosen sector that you are interested in pursuing career within.
  • Then identify a range of soft and digital skills required by that sector for your chosen career goal within the modern and digitalised workplace. This section needs to be underpinned by academic and business research to support your arguments.
  • Finally self-assess yourself against those skills, identify and discuss the areas of weaknesses and skill-gaps based on the results from your self-assessments.Note: The evidence of a range of self-assessments undertaken, should be presented with the Appendices. You are required to engage with personal SWOT, Skills diagnostics and one online self-test of your choice.(1000 Words)

Task Two

Design and deliver a Professional Development Plan (PDP) related to the career goal identified within Task One and a range of well explained, developmental and SMART objectives. Follow the instruction below:

  • Here you are expected to deliver a Professional Development Plan (PDP) related to the career goal you previously identified, that aims at developing your current skill -gaps. PDP needs to be presented in a tabular format and with use of SMART framework, explain how you are planning to develop in the areas of 3 soft and 2 digital skills in which you are currently underperforming.

Note: PDP table is expected to be part of Task 2 wordcount.
This section needs to be underpinned by academic and business research to support your arguments.

(1000 Words)