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2022 was the best year in history for India and Indians (life expectancy, stock market, world’s largest money remittances, rise to # 5 in world econ

Assignment Task

There are eight topics. Each of them should be for about six pages, which bring the total to 48 pages. We are looking for general writing (overview) for each of the following subject matter.

1. 2022 was the best year in history for India and Indians (life expectancy, stock market, world’s largest money remittances, rise to # 5 in world economy, world performance etc.)

2. India is a rapidly rising global star, with a bright and exciting future.

3. India has the world’s largest and best performing diaspora (34 million people spread around the world, making significant contributions and gigantic strides CEOs, Prime Ministers and Presidents, highest number of doctors etc.

4. Never again. The Jewish people pledged to never forget their holocaust and the suffering they endured. However, the Indians have had several holocausts (Bengal Famine) and suffered from 500 consecutive years of occupation and – they chose not to remember their suffering. No museums to remember or dedicate

5. America’s 2 % Indian population is starting to dominate in Medicine, GDP (first place) academia, hospitality, hotel ownership, numerous Fortune 500 CEOs, VP Kamala Harris etc.

6. Not all outstanding Indians come from India only. For example, golfer Vijay Singh is from Fiji, singer Freddie Mercury is from Mauritius, US Presidential Vivek Ramsamy is from the US, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is from Africa as well as home secretaries Priti Patel and Suella Braverman etc. etc.

7. The world needs India, more than India needs the world.

8. Indians are not satisfied and are demanding more from their leaders. ( caste, child marriage, poverty, increase in diaspora, innovation, confrontation with China Pak etc

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